Friday the 13th: superstition or mysticism?

in #psychology6 years ago


For many, Friday the 13th is an unusual, mystical day. Others, on the contrary, consider this day to be happy and successful. Today I'll try to figure out where the superstitions came from regarding the mystical properties of Friday the 13th, and is it worth it to be afraid of this day ?!

Whatever one may say, Friday the 13th is considered a special day. From a mathematical point of view, the number 13 differs from the others only in that it can only be divided into itself. However, it really does bring fear to many and many people. And called the "Baker's dozen."

Number 13 in history


In fact, no one can say exactly where this fear and excitement about this day came from. There are several versions.

According to one of them, Adam and Eve just on Friday tried the forbidden fruit.

Others claim that Cain killed Abel on Friday, the 13th.

Still others say that superstition is connected with the Last Supper, in which 13 people took part - Jesus Christ and 12 disciples. The thirteenth is the traitor of Judas.

In the Middle Ages, it was customary to add a 13th bun for free if someone took 12. Catholics 13 are a sacred number, because it is a symbol of Christ and 12 apostles.

There was another understanding of the "bloody dozen" in the Middle Ages. It was believed that in the witch coven can only take place with the participation of 12 witches and Satan. Total 13.

On April 13, in 1307, members of a very rich and strong organization, members of the Order of the Knights Templar, were arrested and imprisoned. Then they were burned at the stake of the Inquisition. Since then, there are many secrets and mysteries around this story. By the way, their innumerable wealth has not yet been found.

Alfred Hitchcock's film "Friday, 13", tells of a maniac killing that day. This film is popular until now, which, naturally, "adds fuel to the fire."

Friday the 13th and people


Johann Wolfgang Goethe spent such days all day in his bed.

The composer Arnold Schoenberg also acted. They even say that he is also from his painful superstition. On July 13, 1951, he spent Friday under the blanket, shaking with fear. And 15 minutes before midnight he died, squeezing out the word "harmony".

Bismarck on such days did not allow himself to think about his German fatherland.

Afraid Friday 13th and Queen Elizabeth I, and oil tycoon Paul Getty.

Napoleon refrained from conducting military operations on that day.

In England, sailors do not want to go out to sea that day. And that's why: in the 18th century a ship was built in Britain called "Friday", and was sent on a sail on Friday. As a result, the ship and the whole team along with the team disappeared without a trace.
Also in England, doctors are afraid of this day. They believe that the operation on this day will be unsuccessful.

Americans are generally panic-stricken about the number 13. In the buildings they do not have the 13th floor, there are no flights with number 13 in the airlines, apartments and houses with this number can be bought much cheaper. In such days, Americans do not do anything important. Perhaps their fear is due to the fact that on the back of the dollar is visible 13-story pyramid. The eagle on the right holds a bundle of 13 arrows in one paw, and in the other - a laurel branch with 13 leaves. Above the head of the eagle are again 13 stars ... Although, all these "13" have a purely historical background: 13 stars embody the 13 former British colonies, from which the formation of the United States began. In the early 20th century, America even created the "Club of thirteen", which fought against superstition.

In France, if the table is going to 13 people, then they necessarily put some figure, a mannequin.

Aborigines of Central and South America believe that 13 brings happiness.

In Italy, Portugal and Spain also believe that the number 13 brings good luck.

The Chinese "Book of Changes" treats number 13 as happy.

In France, if the table is going to 13 people, then they necessarily put some figure, a mannequin.

Facts and Assumptions


On Friday May 13, 1988, several firms and universities in several countries immediately suffered from the computer virus "Jerusalem". The damage was very serious. Some still cautiously include their computers on such days. And some generally refuse to work at the computer.
Studies conducted in the US show that the economy bears significant damage on this day, as many work in a half-strength, while others generally refuse to work.

Dr. Alex Scanlon of the Ministry of Health of Britain said: "Friday, which falls on the 13th, can not really be considered the same day as everyone else. It is established that on this day in London, 50% more patients are admitted to hospitals than the average for a week. "

These days, the number of accidents also increases. Although it is easy enough to explain - if a person constantly thinks that something will necessarily happen to him, so it will happen. The thought is material. Remember this.

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