A lucid dreaming is a walk through one's own consciousness.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology6 years ago


On average, a person spends about six years of his life in dreams, in the so-called phase of rapid eye movement. That is about 2190 days or 52 560 hours, we spend on dreaming. When we see a dream, we do not understand that we are asleep. That is, we experience emotions, feelings. In fact, sleep is the world inside our skull.

Lucid dreaming is known to science a long time ago. Nevertheless, they remain unexplored until the end. However, recent studies suggest that this condition is borderline: we are both asleep and awake at the same time.

A lucid dreaming is an altered state of consciousness in which a person realizes that he sees a dream and can, in varying degrees, manage its content

Conscious dreams are known to science a long time ago. Nevertheless, they remain unexplored until the end. However, recent studies suggest that this condition is borderline: we are both asleep and awake at the same time. There are also false awakenings - when you wake up only to realize that you are still sleeping.

Studies say: more than half of us experienced lucid dreams at least once in our life. And this is good news, because this experience allows a person to create the desired scenarios during sleep. There is evidence that a conscious dream can be called and stimulated. There are even whole communities where people share their experiences and help others.

I often see dreams and have a desire to master the technique of conscious sleep. Perhaps in the future I will devote this time and will blog.

And did you have lucid dreams?


oh lucid dreams! I love them and have them fairly regularily. I sometimes have some pretty interesting interactions with dream figures, but usually I just kind of resort to the old standby tactic of "fly around and fuck someone"

that is, you claim that you know how to manage your dreams?

I wouldn't say I know how to manage them, when I was studying / practicing lucid dreaming techniques I had them exponentially more often, but recently they've fallen into a pretty familiar pattern.

It is interesting. I constantly dream. Often (but not always) I bother them. But I want to learn how to manage my dreams. I had cases when I realized that I was sleeping .... but after that, I immediately woke up.

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