7 simple methods of manipulating consciousness. Which of them are used by you?

in #psychology6 years ago

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About how our consciousness is manipulated and how to protect it, in the book "Secure communication, or How to become invulnerable!" ...

This is the third part of my new rubric "Forms of human control and manipulation." The main principle in any case: "Forewarned - means armed". My main task is to warn you - your task is to be armed with this knowledge.


1. Manipulation of feelings of guilt or resentment

The use of resentment or guilt is one of the most correct methods of manipulating a loved one. The image of the unfortunate victim often gives his bearer "dividends" in the form of private powers. It happens that a person lives in the role of a victim for years and has already become accustomed to it, but in others he no longer causes sympathy and a desire to help, but, on the contrary, provokes irritation and even aggression. Because in fact, strange as it may sound, it is the victim that is always at the top of the pyramid in the family system. Such a person influences others through their sense of guilt.

Antidote: It is best not to remember past sins during quarrels. It will not lead to anything good. If a partner offended you, it is better to discuss this issue immediately. Civilized and correct, not giving assessments to what is happening, nor to the partner. Clarify the situation and correct the interaction rules to reduce the likelihood of a similar situation repeating.

2. Manipulation of anger

There are people who lose their temper in order to force you to succumb to them. These are manipulators using so-called tactical anger.

Antidote: The worst thing is to go on about such a person. After all, if his reception works, he will do so to you and others in the future. To begin with, you will need your determination: you must not give in or allow yourself to scream. If the manipulator continues to scream, go away. Continue this way in any subsequent skirmishes, when he is angry, until an angry opponent learns to behave rationally with you.

3. Manipulation of silence

People resort to meaningful silence when they want to show how they are upset. Otherwise, in their opinion, you will think that the problem is unimportant for them. People, often resorting to silence for minor reasons, create an unpleasant atmosphere that can spoil the working relationship. Silence is designed to make you feel guilty when you realize how upset this person is.

Antidote: Try to refrain from playing along with the "puffed up", because if it works one day, the silent will resort to such a technique all the time. But do not be harsh with him; behave as if everything is normal. Wait, let him break the silence.

4. Manipulation of love

"If you love, then ..." This manipulation is designed for close people who have a positive attitude towards the manipulator. Fear of being rejected and losing love is strong in people since childhood. Many parents indiscreetly tried to manipulate their child, saying "If you do not listen to me / do what I say, etc., then I will stop communicating with you / loving you / taking care of you, etc."

Antidote: Love is not an object of bidding, but the result of a relationship. Noticing the exploitation of your feelings, think how much you need it.

5. Manipulation of hope

Brilliant promises often conceal the desire for immediate benefit of their author. Fabulous promises of Cat Basilio and Fox Alice were dictated by their desire to get gold as soon as possible, ringing in the pocket of Pinocchio. Often, such "songs" lead also to more informed citizens to bury the cash "on the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools".

Antidote: The Arabic proverb says: "The clever one hopes for his deeds, but the fool relies on hope." Trust the facts, not the opinions. In making decisions, rely on real experience, not on someone's stories or assumptions.

6. Manipulation with vanity

Small hooks, firmly clinging to the excessively inflated ego, may look like an innocent comment. Praise, used in the calculation to achieve their goals: "You perfectly compile reports! Surely, with the one I want to offer you, no one can cope better than you! "Or, on the contrary, a challenge with a hint of incompetence:" Is it weak? .. "," You probably could not ... "

Antidote: Remember, did you plan to do the proposed before expounding the provocative proposal? Check the suitability for your interests and opportunities.

7. Irony or sarcasm

The manipulator chooses the initially ironic tone, critical utterances and remarks, flavored with jokes or provocative comments.

Antidote:It's impossible to make yourself offended without your own participation. Do not believe me - try to be offended simply for nothing, on anything concrete. If you do not succumb to a manipulator provocation, having realized or reminding yourself with whom and what you are dealing with, you can maintain clarity of thought, accuracy of formulations and emotional balance.

Tell me if such information is useful to you?


That's wonderful depiction of real world situations we more of less face in our every day life. All the forms of manipulations are practices by so many people in our vicinity and off course there are the victims too.

Beware of the negative thinking people. Some are quarrel some so try to avoid such persons. Protect your self from sarcastic remarks by building the shield of ignoring such remarks.

I appreciate your valuable contribution to the platform.

Those are good things to look out for. I've experienced all of them in working relationships and some in personal. I've also done some of them. Overall, I try to communicate clearly, openly, positively, and with reconciliation in mind (if there was a rift).

Manipulation of silence is something is frequently use, but not only for minor incidents. If I get angry or something, I just want to take the higher ground in the argument by "staying cool" and not raising my voice. Its just so much more powerful imo. And you're not gonna say stupid things you didnt rezlly mean while angry.

Post very interesting, in fact, it reminds me of a lot of people around me, who do not necessarily live with me but where some points are very similar.

I use manipulation of love.
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