Self Induced Fear; My Weird Personal Story.

in #psychology7 years ago

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You know those horror movies when a creepy joke amongst a group of friends begins to slowly play out before their eyes and there's that eureka moment...

I was at the mall with a friend when I offered that we use the escalator instead of the stairs as I love everything that takes away the stress. Lol.

Immediately she gave her consent, I remembered I was scared of escalators. Wait what? No I can't take the escalator no more. I had to explain why.

It's funny because I never get scared of things. In fact I wasn't scared of escalators till I brought it up as a joke when I went to a different mall (the largest in West Africa! Yes I had to add that 😀) with the gang.

It was meant to be something we'd laugh about and go on with the day but then as I stared at the escalator, my head began to make up skits of my leg getting stuck in it.

It was like a scene out of 1000 Ways To Die.

All of a sudden, the fear became real and I couldn't use the escalator. It was scary. I was trying to explain to myself that it's something I've been doing all along and the joke was, well, just a joke.

I tried to talk myself out of chickening out but I failed, woefully!

That day, I had to use the stairs. I didn't succeed in fighting my self inflicted fear.

Fast forward several months after and I had totally forgotten about this incidence till I was face to face with yet another escalator. This time I was with a girl and not my boys. We were on a date and not just outchyea chillin'.

I told her about it, everything! There's no point hiding shit like that. It was what it was and I couldn't do anything about it. Well, that's what I thought.

"Are you serious?" Was her reaction as she started to laugh like someone who had just seen an alien jet land right before her.

All through this, we didn't stop walking. So we were already at the escalator when she started her laughter and without overthinking anything, I walked right on it and she did the same.

I'll admit my getting on it wasn't smooth but I didn't fall off 😂.

All through the ride down, I was trying my best to explain her laughter away but she wouldn't have any of my excuses. Before long, we were at our destination and I had just beat my fear!!!

I faced my fear and beat it!!!

Now that i'm thinking about it, I should have gone on it a few more times just to prove to my head that it's fine getting on an escalator.

Do you have similar experiences of self induced fear? Please share.

This post is burning 1 SBD. #feeltheburn

Takes a brave person to share that story. I think that anything, regardless of intensity, shouldn't be taken as trivial. Who's to say that one fear is greater than another. Everyone has their reasons for being afraid of something, and I'm glad that you overcame yours, brother!

I used to be afraid of heights until I forced myself to jump off high places repeatedly, which turned into me learning how to do parkour. :D

oohh I love Parkour!

The best thing is always to face One's fears 😊.

Thanks for sharing your story @fisteganos. Upvoted and followed ;)

Hey you was add to the @positive-trail
You will resive very soon some steem from us !
Fore more motivation and positivity follow us !
Happy steeming !

That's so kind of you. Thanks 😊

I equally remember the first time I was to use an escalator, shit was really scary, however I was able to use it without any mistakes.
Using escalators now is just so normal to me, I completely overcame my fears
Nice post bruh, thanks for sharing :)

I know some people are scared of elevators which just sounds absurd. Escalators, elevators, should all be normal lol

Thanks for sharing the story. I will definitively follow you and resteem. Hope the best and happy steeming :-)

Omg. I have had a fear of escalators since I was 7. We were in California and there was a place we were at(airport)? and a lady fell down the escalator and all the bobby pins went into her head.There was so much blood.Since then, I do not use escalators.

Damn! That's some scary stuff there. Can't they be made safer?

That was back in I believe 1969,when people used bobby pins. but it scarred me for escalators.

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