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RE: Practice Snippets - The woman who wanted to get rid of hair on her hands

in #psychology5 years ago

What you said is not relevant. It does not matter if we know that they know that we know, something something. In law, it doesn't matter. Psychologically, we may lose faith in humanity if everyone is crying wolf and there is no wolf.

Correct. I deliberately ignore legality. By deliberately ignoring law and coming from the point previous of any law the person I am with can come up with his own thoughts what could be fair and therefor eventually result in a for him/her sense making law.

Good example with the wolf. For me it's like this: Each time some one shouts "wolf!" you ought to watch. Even after the hundredth time in which nothing happened, the 101st time there could appear a wolf. If you just want to lay back, wanting to bed yourself in certainty and ignore the shout, the wolf might bite you. I see it the other way around: I trust that people think that there might be danger for them. If it's danger for me I have to evaluate time and time again. No short cut for me :)

What you ask for is to receive certainty. Either through fine print or disclaimer or something given as a promise into your hand. Now, that leads into another realm of debate.

The McDonald's verdict: HaHa! :D Jury and judge must have had a most amusing day creating such a precedent case. An excellent example of playing dumb. When I first heard about such verdicts in my life, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry?

The judges have thus secured a job for life, the companies an ever increasing flood of small print, the lawyers a self sustaining branch. One has to assume that all in all it is a job creation because we are so interested in being busy and long lasting things.

Sellers should avoid making promises in the first place or simple say it can happen.

Which they actually do in the lines so small that you can hardly read them. Also called General terms and conditions. Now imagine the lines being big and it would be the other way around. Like this:

Bitter! This product is guaranteed not risk-free!

We have tested it for its skin compatibility. But we won't tell you exactly what we tested for, only that we tested something! The fact that this product is gluten-free does not mean that it is free of other substances! Of course we do not say that because we cannot say it because we do not know exactly which substances in which composition could be harmful. Everything could be harmful! So you must decide whether what we are selling you could be good for you! Be your own researcher! Have fun with the product!

Is long nose a reference to Pinocchio?


It's a pleasure to take up your challenges. I like it a lot. And I don't want to play dumb either. Of course I know that there are people needed who challenge the system. I would think of myself as one part of doing that.


Agreed, that you never know when the wolf may come. Yeah, should we laugh or cry with things like the Hot Coffee thing, I wonder lol. Like, haha,of course it is hot. Yeah, I would appreciate more honesty from ads like with your example, the gluten free skin product. If you don't know, you're in my blog in that I link to our conversation in my daily blog. I don't know if you saw that or not. I copy and paste what I write here to my diary on Steemit and link to this thread of ours. That is one of the reasons why I write. I feel it is somewhat more valuable than Star Trek Discovery haha. An STD, sad face.

Like, haha,of course it is hot

Yeah, I find that of great amusement. It's laughable when you first hear about someone who pretends to not know that coffee is hot. It's odd that a human needs so much of a compensation for something which obviously has nothing to do with coffee. Question remains: With what might have it to do?

Advertising by its nature cannot be honest, it is always dishonest because the product and the language that advertises the product are not the same. The language charges the product with emotion. So even a stone can be sold or a triangle or an empty space. One can acquire infinite qualities from these objects. The advertisement plays with remembered physical sensory impressions, where the person perceives the respective object by means of sensory perception and in the brain of the person the positively addressed sensors are linked with positive memories. Each person thus associates something individual with the viewed object and feels unconsciously reminded of similar things.

Expecting honest advertising would be like expecting a player not to bluff when playing poker.

In a sense, now that we know that advertising can never be honest, it is honest dishonesty ;-)

So I can easily let go of objections towards an add, as I have freed myself from my illusion to urgently want to have that spotted object.

Yes, I saw that you integrated content from our dialogue into your blog. :)


I wish I could watch the video or read a transcript of the Hot Coffee McDonald's case to see how the person won. Hypothetically, I would allow it as a judge, if I was a judge, to the extent that McDonald's said on their coffee cups and ads and everything, "HOT COFFEE IS NOT HOT, DON'T WORRY, YOU WILL NOT BURN YOURSELF, etc, etc...." Anything less than that, as a judge, I'd be tempted to dismiss the case or possibly rule against the person. Maybe McDonald's should have counter sued, assuming they didn't try. So, I wonder if that case had just a judge or if they had jurors as well.


Yea, generally, ads can be isolated and can be misleading. Marketing can focus on part of the story and not say everything and that is understandable to the extent that they don't say, like I said, that the hot coffee is not hot. They didn't have to say that the coffee is not but I guess they lost in a court of law and that is too bad.


Yes, what you said about emotions is very true. They try to make you feel stuff and make you throw your brain out the window haha. Bye bye brain. Oh, I agree with what you are saying about sensory perception. Some of it has to do with nostalgia, familiarity, and even the simulation of addiction. Yeah, it is like poker. That is the nature of advertising, like you said. Not that it has to be to some extent but that it is the trend. Yeah, honest dishonesty, perhaps, another paradox or whatever. Yeah, it is good when you are able to free yourself. That is the key to many things. Knowledge is power.

I wish I could watch the video or read a transcript of the Hot Coffee McDonald's case to see how the person won.

Not a transcript but a pretty good summary and some facts. Its called the Liebeck case- what I quote here comes from the German version of the Wiki, cause I did not find it in the English version:

The trial was often depicted in such an abbreviated form in public that the combination of "spilled coffee" and the sum of almost three million US dollars in damages at first instance (which had, however, been drastically reduced by the subsequent instance) created the false impression of greedy money-grubbing and the ridiculous disproportionality of US jurisdiction. In Germany, erroneous representations have been spread by several national newspapers[3] and have thus drawn a distorted picture of the case, which has had a lasting effect on local perceptions of American justice.

In the USA, the humorist and author Randy Cassingham published a selection of spectacular cases of damages in the book "The True Stella Awards"[4] In addition, in civil proceedings in the USA there is basically no reimbursement of costs from the loser to the winner of the trial, so that especially in the case of trials through several instances, the winner often has to bear astronomical procedural costs himself. Moreover, since lawyers' fees in the USA are not calculated according to the amount in dispute, but rather according to the time spent, the compensation actually obtained is often reduced dramatically as a result.

In Germany, it's the other way around. That let shine a total different light on that case.

Also, our system is so much different from the US social system. We have a lot more social security and when someone gets sick or disabled or cannot work either through private matters or through work related damages we have insurances (for the latter), covered by every company, which has to pay for certain insurances - most people are totally unaware of that like many other things in German law and order. I can say that with confidence as my first education was an accountant in a government health insurance. People are not ruined here when they cannot work anymore.

I now can understand better the high amounts, even though of course the extremes will remain extreme.

Yeah, knowledge is power. :)

Who said that what you have there we don't have here in the United States? Is what you have in Germany, in regards to health care, similar to what people have in Canada? Are you aware of the welfare system in America? Also, are you aware of what people did before the 1930's? I would dare you to compare now with how things were before the 1930's. That's critical to understand.

In Germany, we have had statutory social insurance for all areas since 1883. It is obligatory and prevents people from being left without insurance when they become ill. We have more than five hundred carriers of the German social insurance, far more than 100 transfer payments for all possible cases that occur, which have to do with health and employment. The carriers are public institutions and are not allowed to make profits.

If employees become ill, they are entitled to have their company continue to pay their full salary - for up to six weeks. After that, members of the statutory health insurance scheme receive sick pay from their health insurance fund for about two and a half years if they are permanently ill. This amounts to about 90 % of the net salary.

In some industries there is more than sick pay. For example, trade unions and employers in the public sector have agreed to increase sick pay. Sick employees who have been employed for at least three years receive the difference between sick pay and net wages from the employer. This applies up to a period of illness of ten months.

Mothers receive so-called maternity protection and pregnant women also receive maternity benefits six weeks before and eight weeks after giving birth. After that, there is a state parental allowance, which is paid for one year. For people who have no income, there is a minimum rate. If you cannot afford to pay your rent, you can apply for housing benefit here, and you will receive child benefit supplement for children in addition to child benefit. And so on and so on. The whole thing is not comparable to Obamacare. The USA has already had a completely different development of its social security before 2010 due to its history. In any case, there is a big difference in our legal systems.

All those who have no work or who receive too little sickness or unemployment benefit are cushioned by a nationwide social assistance system that guarantees the minimum subsistence level. In addition, there are various special benefits, such as the possibility to apply for a rent deposit from the authorities when moving to a new home. This is granted as an interest-free loan and is deducted in very small partial amounts from social welfare. You can apply for subsidies for transport costs, initial baby equipment etc. etc. etc. and in many cases you will receive these subsidies.

All parents who receive social welfare have free access to "education and participation", i.e. school meals, school trips, sports club memberships, etc. Parents do not have to pay for this. In addition, everyone who receives social welfare receives 18% cheaper tickets for public transport. The fees that the German state charges for media are completely waived.

I have now made only an incomplete list, which does not include a specific rating. One can of course discuss the pros and cons. But that would go too far here.

I am more than sure that our system is very different from the US system. Despite Obama Care, there is simply the different history. I don't know what you are talking about, what do you mean by the 30s?


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