The Power of Thoughts

in #psychology7 years ago

All successful men and women and all people with exceptional leadership skills around the world regardless of race and achievement by which their success is measured whether earning millions or perhaps billions of dollars each year or conquering the Himalayas or overcoming a disease, have commonly discerned the ultimate factor for achieving success. This ultimate factor is the POWER OF THOUGHTS. It’s no secret, really. We’ve always thought that the mind is powerful enough to create tall skyscrapers and flying machines weighing hundreds of tons!

But if it isn’t a secret and if the concept is really that simple wouldn’t everyone be enjoying success right now? Wouldn’t everyone be as motivated as they can be day by day?

The kick really lies in:




The greatest power we mortals possess is the power of thoughts. We just don’t know how to utilize the immense possibilities that this great power can do for us. So we need to discern how the brain works.

How the brain works

Experts have it that the brain works towards its most current dominant thought. It means that when we think consciously our brain, having a selective method of processing thoughts, focuses on what it sees as the most important thought we have right now and disregards the rest because the brain can only process so much information. As the brain focuses on the most important thought and it being the central part of our nervous system, sends out signals to our physiology making our body correspond to our thoughts.

Up next we’ll take a look at how our thoughts govern us. We’ll talk about how What You Think, How You Think and What You Do With What You Think influence our actions and the outcomes resulting from all this.


Meanwhile, I invite you to take a look at the eBook Change Your Mind Change Your Life by Leon Van Keulen. One of today’s most inspiring and highly motivating material on success and personal development. The Book Change Your Mind Change Your Life really is all about the power of thoughts and how to utilize this power to really intend things to happen. As you will see all desires, motivations and the will to succeed at all costs are governed by thoughts.


I agree, the power of thought is something that is often underestimated when it shouldn't be. I think that the reason for most people's failure is simply because they do not think they can succeed. If you think you can succeed, you will move on to thinking of ways to do so, if you think you will fail, the same goes.

You are totally right, thank you for such a great comment)

Yes the power of thought = power of manifestation...We are what we feel...power of thought is conducive with our highest good!

I totally agree with you, thank you for your comment)

That's a great book recommendation. Read it a few months ago

It is great you liked it too) Thank you for your comment)

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