Statolatry and the Dialectical Backdoor Used To Hijack Perception. An Introduction To Illusion Based Mindcontrol - Part 4.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

This post is an extension of part 1
part 2
and part 3

What is statolatry

Statolatry means to act or practice idolization of the state. Like any other idol the state is regarded as benevolent and therefore worshipped for it's benevolence when an individual or a group of individuals engage in statolatry.

This state of mind is achieved by illusion based mincontrol and can be located in a specific area of our dialect that produces the perception needed to participate in such behavior.

By claiming pride by association the dialectical maneuver is invoked. This is done through relentless repetition that groups, the individual's behavior into a collective behavior.

Examples of this: We won the championship, we care for the homeless, we are under attack, we are at war, we found a cure to x illness, we went to the moon and back.

The aim and purpose of such dialectic is to make the individual see himself as a part of a collective. The preparation for this starts instantaneously from since the birth of the child, as the child is born into a state culture, where those who live under, those who invoke the state, are affected by state ideology and the state is normalized. Just like those who live in a culture where Santa Claus is propagated and normalized.

Further this preparation is corrected and rewarded in the school system, preparing the mind to become someone (something), under state ideology. For here the individual is trained to become that which he is not. An ideology. He is programmed to accept that he, his family and friends are citizens of the state. Failure of this will result in punishment and degrading of character.

Obedience to the program on the other hand will result in reward and upgrade of character.

The "educated" persona

When the character is fully upgraded from schooling and now is finally ready to become something, then he must navigate the job market, promoting his programming to be further rewarded with money. He must survive through the character he has become. No longer will he view himself as an individual working with the mechanics of combustion engines, but as a mechanic. And thereby his perception of self is changed into an idea of something.

He is then attached to an artifial pseudo perception of who he are, and associate his identity and persona with a specific class, with specific rights.

It is a simple trick, where that which identify you in reality, has been or is being altered. The purpose of such is also awkwardly simple, as it seek to trick the perception of self away from what is actually real, and into the ideology of the state by confusing reality up with fiction.

South park illustrate this behavior with grace, in this episode.

We are not citizens

Claiming citizenship of a particular state strips away your individuality. You are now a subject in the program, a citizen, "he who belongs to a state and classify himself as such". This is what I mean with a dialectical backdoor. It redirects attention from that which is, to that which is not (illusion).

The relationship between a master and his slave, is that the slave belongs to his master. His master owns his slave's rights and under those are the right to life, to freedom, to fruit of own labour and to defend such rights.

The relationship between a state and it's citizen is that the citizen belongs to the state. A citizen is under the state as the state is the parent of a citizen. No state no citizen. The first state was not made by citizen but by individuals, just like the first computer game is a child to the computer. Through dialect this pattern is reconstructed outside of our awareness. And by dialectic manipulation we bought the idea of relative rights, granted by our authorities.

Who owns you?

State ideology claims ownership over the individual by regulating, restricting, licensing the life of the individual and thereby contract his freedom. If he try to resist he will be crushed like a bug, funded by the fruit of his own or fellow mans labour. This is the concept of taxation. Which is Slavery and plunder justified through an ideology that portray itself as the greater good.


Statolatry causes blindness to the facts of matter, which leads to enfeeblement in the mind's vision of matter, as it ignored the facts of matter. It is directly caused by believing that you are something you actually are not. And in the confusion of this also believe that others are what they are not. And Induces the belief, that taking the fruits of another individual's labour is no longer stealing, as the working man is under state, because he is a citizen.

Substituting that which is in reality, with that which is not in reality causes illusion. Believing that you actually are a citizen of "x" state and thereby invoke your rights by summoning state ideology as a premise for your rights, is no different than a slave, begging his master for permit. A free man does not need documents written by others to give him rights. An individual is born with his inherent rights, derived from nature and creation itself, and not from the written word of other individuals. Do no harm is the universal law, but the state ideology wants us to believe: Do no harm, except it is for the greater good of the state. Then it is plight and privilege to fulfill such tasks.

Hell on earth

Failure in realizing such dynamics can trick the mind to cheer for slave ideology, while trying to subvert those who try to escape their thralldom. - Imposed on them by those who worship the state and try to enslave them through state ideology and justfied violence under state law.

And by that slavery is accepted in the minds of those who can not penetrate the illusions. Without the ideology of the state being superimposed on society, combined with the writings of mere men on paper, that try and make believe that; "what is wrong for everyone else is a right for them".- The illusion of authority over others appears for what it actually is. It is claims made of ownership over others.

The belief

Statism is a belief system that operates outside the conscious mind's consent. It teaches that the individual can gain authority over other individuals by using the state. They claim authority over body, land, resources, innovation, money, education, rights and you can be sure as hell that they claim authority over your children while caretaking their intellectual growth.

The idolatry

Statolatry is when such a belief system is attempted to be morally justified because the state is perceived as benevolent. "It is not slavery when we do it, coercion is not wrong when we do it, it is not indoctrination when we do it" and so on, where the morally "slip" can be identified with a clear example of dobbelt standards.

We are facing solipsism cloaked in the ideology of the state

The state of mind required to perceive the world through the lenses of state ideology is, again, solipsism and make no mistake about it. It is by design and infused into culture through language. Solipsism is the prerequisite state of mind necessary for illusions to even enter the mental realm. Solipsism can propagate itself from a local confusion to a global confusion (in the mind), allowing complete inversion of reality to be perceived.

Like Santa Claus and the state, a citizen is an idea that can be acted upon and not how reality actually is. It is an idea that man instead of being sovereign, is being ruled, because his illusions told him he lived in a state.

I will explore solipsism in part 5 as the last installment for the introduction series of illusion based mindcontrol.

Credit to youtube user Great White7 for uploading the video


This is very well put! A lot of terms which are new to me but cast a new light on social conditioning and human management.

Thank you and thanks for reading and joining the conversation :)

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