
My dear friend, Being angry is an unhappy condition that we must avoid. It can be destructive and it separates friends and families. But to be angry is something most of the living creatures experiment. We humans, can be angry since the very moment we are born. Anger is something natural, we could say that everybody gets angry from time to time. The problem is not to get angry but to control it. For example, in certain circumstances, when someone insults you, almost immediately you start to get angry and you could start shouting at the other person. The best response in such situation is to demand respect from the other person vehemently, with authority but avoiding any kind of insult, because if you start a fight the result could be worse and even dangerous. At any situation, with people or things that happen to you, whenever you start getting angry, control yourself, and start thinking "Why am I angry? " and then , go to a calmy place (a park maybe) and analyse your situation looking for a solution. You possibly have a good reason to be angry, but never let that wild horse inside you run out of control, that's very dangerous, Don't forget that the worst crimes are committed under the blind power of anger. (I hope this can give you part of the answer you require) -Thanks for reading.

Thanks for your great explanation.

Not at all.

Nah, anger is a normal state, you just have to learn how to focus that energetic state, and to point it for something productive. It's not a bad thing, actually is a good one, cause ppl that hold their emotions tend to break down later in their life... and that's a downward spiral.

Like all emotions, anger has a purpose and place. It is one of the seven basic emotions, identified by Ekman, that is displayed by many animals. As such, our ability to feel anger is hard wired into our brains. When angry we have physiological changes associated with anger, many of these are tied to our "fight or flight" response, better preparing to handle situations where we should feel anger, for example, if we or a loved one are in danger.

Anger can pose a problem in individuals were the anger response is triggered at inappropriate times, or when the individual is unable to control his or her display of anger, i.e., they become immediately violent when angered.

Considering all the seven basic emotions, anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise, it seems that any of these could lead to problems if triggered at inappropriate times; however, of these seven, anger is the only one that tends to result in inappropriate violence and therefore could be considered potentially more dangerous.

Why do you think anger is the only one that tends to result in inappropriate violence?

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