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RE: How much do we know about who we are and what we're doing?

in #psychology7 years ago

All of this is good. Philosophy of the brain is hard I feel, because of this

Our brain is trying to analyze everything. Like a computer. But when it tries to analyze itself. It has an error. This error is consiousness, it creates the self. Because it can't properly analyze itself without doing that. And doing that creates something to abstract for it to analyze .. if this makes wny sense. You got you self confirming biases, and your magical belief lotteries. All a product of your brain being blind to itself.


That's interesting hehe, thanks for sharing that possibility ;) It could be hehe.

Yes we get into trouble when we try to analyse ourselves. A good example is the White Lab-Coat syndrome where you go into a medical lab for a crucial test , see all those folks in White coats, you then get very nervous, and your blood pressure goes up, unconsciously. If someone was performing an experiment, lets say reviewing hospital care in this situation, the results would be 'off' somewhat due to the hidden effect of the "White Coats"

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