The Psychology of Forgiveness: Islamic Perspective

in #psychology6 years ago


Source: Daystar

Dear Steemian Firends

I hope everything is good and everyone is in good health!!!

In this life, people get unexpected events. Sometimes, an event is in accordance with expectations, or otherwise the event is not in line with expectations. Conditions like this, demanding humans to understand each other's behavior by forgiving each other among them.
Forgiving someone is not an easy thing because it requires a broad heart and a clear mind to forgive others. Likewise to apologize and admit mistakes are deeds that need a great courage. Therefore, these two deeds are glorified by Islam.
In the Islamic perspective, Islam encourages people to forgive, rather than apologize. That is, do not wait for the person we think has made a mistake to apologize to us, but instead, we must cultivate thoughts, behaviors and feelings to forgive him. So the hasty action to apologize is the act eagerly awaited by the Giver.

We have a small conclusion here:

the Apologizer requires extreme courage to apologize
the forgiving missed the apologizer
So, grasping the helping hand of the Apologizer by the Giver of Apology is a mutual understanding that can unite these two conditions. And will result in Peace and Salvation.


Factors Affecting Someone Forgiving Others

Level of Regret

Basically, it is difficult for someone to forgive others if the person does not admit that he or she has made a mistake or is responsible for his actions. Thus, the level of one's regrets (apologies) by mistake becomes a factor of one's willingness to forgive.
This feeling of regret can lead to two things: guilt and compassion. Guilt arises as a result of thinking of yourself as bad, unwise, unethical and so on. And from here will be very potential to arise the compassionate feeling of the apologist to erase all mistakes that have been done.

Level of Religiosity

A study shows that the activities of religious groups that are emotional such as religious discussion, prayer together and so on proved to help someone to forgive others. Similarly, Bedell's research finds that the intensity of a person present in a place of worship is influential or has the potential to forgive others.
Thus, it becomes clear to us that forgiveness is a noble trait while demonstrating the level of religious understanding and high motivation of a person in the religion.

Especially if we re-open the history of Islamic perabadan, where forgiveness becomes the basic values and principles that are always upheld in Islam. Some major events, such as: The Medina Charter, Haji Wada ', Tha'if events, and Fathu Makkah, have given a clear picture that Islam upholds forgiveness.

Quality of Interpersonal Relationships

We are talking about commitment to a relationship both or between organizations.

In this context, forgiving, will see that the higher commitment built in a relationship will affect a person to forgive his or her friend. Especially if the relationship of both is not harmonious will many parties involved in an organization is getting a loss. Thus, mutual forgiveness is the answer to their relationship commitment to benefit the parties involved in an organization.


HE (Forgiving) Want to Get a Wisdom:

There is much wisdom that the Giver of Wisdom seeks to gain, therefore, he is keen to memaaft every one who apologizes. Among the wisdom that can be felt later by the Giver of Excuse, according to is:
  • The forgiving person will get better treatment from the person who is forgiven. The forgiven person feels honored and cared by forgiveness of what has been done, so that he will give a better reply than merely forgiving attitudes.
  • The forgiving person will strengthen the relationship with others, including the one who has been forgiven. Thus, he will still have a good relationship, even better with anyone.
  • Forgiveness shows a person's consistency in believing in God (Allah: Islam). That is, a person who does not have an attitude of forgiveness means he is not called faithful and cautious in the true sense.


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