Who Are We-- REALLY? Musings on Sincerity and Authenticity...

in #psychology7 years ago

Yesterday, I came across an excellent post by my friend @erikaharris entitled "Why Sincerity Is The Best Social Strategy." Well worth a read-- I've known Erika for more than a decade... somehow our paths took us to Steemit at about the same time.

View from Scenic Beach State Park, Washington

Anyway, her post made me think about the whole issue of "sincerity" and then "authenticity" and how those two components interact to inform our lives and how we conduct ourselves.

Specifically, I started thinking about Steemit, and what we are doing here, as content creators. Who are we? What's our approach?

Are we being sincere with what we create and post? Is it authentic? Are we actually sharing our deeper thoughts and opinions-- and letting them direct our posts-- or are we simply stringing words (or other content) together from the largely mechanical perspective of "will this earn an upvote?"

Do People Even WANT Authenticity?

My next thought is whether people even appreciate-- or want-- authenticity and honesty? 

Morning mist in the back yard

You know how it goes: a lot of folks SAY they want the truth but most often it turns out they only want the "truth" that happens to coincide with their particular worldview. In fact, they are outright offended when the "truth"-- or at least a perception that doesn't match their reality-- is put forth. 

Conversely, those who do speak authentically-- especially when faced with broadly recognized "wrongs" in the world-- are often described as "gruff old ogres" or at the very least "socially inept" because they don't put "getting along" and "not causing a ruckus" at the top of their conduct list.

Although I always try to deliver my perceptions of the truth with kindness (never as an "attack!"), I have often found myself on the receiving end of some dubious vibes for my tendency to not really care about "social correctness.

An Uneasy and Contradictory Dynamic

It becomes (more than) slightly ironic when we end up with a situation where we table authenticity and truth as "social ineptitude" and inappropriate because "telling the truth" in a world that's mostly concerned with socially acceptable boxes results in people not getting along.

Another view from Scenic Beach State Park

"Authenticity leads to strife" vs. "inauthenticity leads to peace?"

Now wait just a minute!

Being truthful and authentic somehow makes us "renegades?"

What kind of world is THAT?

Experience tells me that most people don't want to get too close to things that scare them or challenge their perception of what is "real." Because "then what?" What will we have to look at and consider, as we go forward?

And exactly who are we angry with when something we don't like comes up? Something to think about, before we point fingers at the person we felt caused the upset? If they were sincere and authentic... why this anger?

A Strange Connection

A parting thought here... I find myself considering how I have heard-- on quite a few occasions-- the assertion that "Steemit is a scam.

A bit of fall mist in the hollow

Although Steemit doesn't actually HAVE any of the hallmarks of an "authentic" scam, it seems remarkably easy for people to reach for that INauthentic label because it allows them to negatively characterize something they (A) don't really understand and (B) that might challenge their established view of their world and the people in it.

And then we have Jamie Dimon calling Bitcoin "a fraud." Does he actually-- sincerely and authentically-- believe that, or is the case more that his reality is threatened if Bitcoin isn't a fraud?

Again, an invitation to examine where we are "invested," both functionally and emotionally. And why are other possibilities "scary?"

What Do YOU Think? Do you strive for a high level of authenticity? Do you think authenticity and sincerity can live side by side with peace and getting along? Do you perhaps tend to be a people pleaser? Do you know people who are? People for whom "getting along" is more important than being in their authentic and sincere selves? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 171027 23:23 PDT


I have to agree with your statements, people are hard to reach and when they get a supporting comment they feel amazing, for instance you can tell a body-builder that if he overtrains he can harm his nervous system, become less flexible, .. the list could be endless depending on the occasion, but what he wants to hear is how good he is and how strong he looks and how hard it must have been, so some reflection, basically something that strengthens his paradigm in the current situation.

The funny hing is most people don't strive for authenticity, rather some goal or achievement they have yet to meet.

I think authenticity and honesty go hand to hand and when you are honest with yourself you can change, otherwise it's just repetition with a different label from time to time.

Maybe it's just part of human nature that we easily get locked inside our little bubbles... and we become more attuned to looking for our personal echochambers than anything.

The human psyche is fascinating... so few people actually engage in true self-inquiry to understand their motivations... heck, few people even know what self-inquiry IS.

Thanks for stopping by, and good to "see" you!

Another thought-proving piece.
Do I know people who play that social game? Oh yea! They say one thing to one person and the complete opposite to another person. Whatever they think the listener wants to hear is what comes out of their mouth.

Personally, I find people like that annoying. It's like they have no mind of their own. Mostly though, they can't be trusted, because obviously they can't speak the truth when they say opposing things.

I have a lot more respect for someone I may disagree with than for someone who simply agrees with whatever anyone says.

It's funny, because just today my son was talking about a similar topic. One can still be authentic and not necessarily need to challenge another's point of view. It is possible to still be socially adept and have differing opinions. That, however is a skill I have to work much harder at.

I think a lot of it has to do with being content in one's own skin. A lot of people seem rather insecure in their sense of self... like "my opinion is contingent on how many friends it will gain me on Facebook." Not directly, mind you, but it's sort of implied.

My point here being that I am OK with "having fewer Facebook friends" and being less popular as the "price of admission" to simply being ME.

Now, some might argue that it's self-indulgent, but is striving for authenticity really self-indulgent? I don't think so...

"gruff old ogres" or at the very least "socially inept" because they don't put "getting along" and "not causing a ruckus" at the top of their conduct list.
I can relate to that.
Do you want the truth?
Can you HANDLE the truth?

These days, I prefer the truth-- even when it jolts my bones a bit.
It's easier than playing games.
And I suck pretty badly at games.
Which (evidently) means some people consider me socially inept.
So be it.

I like to be myself, and I also like getting along. Well f*&%. I can see how people speak lowly of or even come to hate things they don't understand. I mean who wants to get challenged, expand into the unknown, change themselves?

A lot of people are caught up with being right, based on their limited understandings and find it hard to admit they don't know or get something.

As far as Steemit as a platform. I feel like everyone still think it's get rich quick, and since it doesn't work like that, they come away saying it's a scam because it's easier than saying I tried it for a week but didn't make anything. I like that Steemit is ad free, it's literally about what people write.

I don't know enough to be a

truth speaking renegade myself

But learning along the way does help me express without "getting in someone's face."

<3 @shello

I prefer the words 'cranky curmudgeon!':D

I wear it with pride. You can, too!

I would love it if we could celebrate our differences, that's the way to learn new things and new perspectives. But yeah, that's incredibly difficult.

For example let's take that phrase 'Steem is a scam'. You can very well argue the point that it isn't, but wouldn't it be more interesting to really understand why someone would say that? Being open to whatever somebody feels and relating can bring harmony without losing authenticity.

i will always support you man!!!

Great Pictures!!!

I think this platform has the same laws as in the universe. If a person loves his occupation, then he will benefit people and bring him profit. A person should sincerely love what he does. And he must sincerely love what he reads and comments) About fraud on this platform ... I get not only the joy of my work here, but also the reward. So everything is honest and sincere. As it should be)

thanks for your kind words..

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