Signs, Symbols and Synchronicities: Sunny Skies on the Horizon? (Ulog no. 14)

in #psychology6 years ago

Whereas I would describe myself as very "open to the possibilities of the Universe," I tend to leave most of the "woo-woo" stuff of our lives to @cosmictriage (aka Mrs. Denmarkguy) who — after all — is a priest and spiritual counselor.

That said, I keep my eyes and ears open.

Another gray cloudy morning...

Creating Our Own Gloom and Doom?

This morning, I sat at my desk and looked out at another cold gray wet day, and tried to find a reason to be cheerful in the midst of all the gloom. And I'm not just referring to Steemit and the cryptoshere; I'm referring to everything, from collapsing personal economics, to our looming property tax bills, to a string of close friends getting cancer or being beset by a seemingly endless parade of hardships.

Sometimes it feels like there is just no ending to it, which feels like an affirmation that we create our own realities by what we focus on: If we expect gloom and doom, we find gloom and doom; if we expect good things, we find good things. And yet? There is a sort of magnetic "sheep effect" at play, in which broader sentiment often sets the tone for everyone.

The actual view out the window, from this morning...

I did not really feel angry or frustrated as I considered the start of another week, I just felt quiet and reflective and then recognized that I had reached that point many spiritual paths describe as "letting go." Meaning not that I don't care anymore, just that I have moved beyond any sort of attachment to having the ability to control the outcomes around me.

Rain falls. Shit happens.

In the midst of this, I thought: "It sure would be nice if there were ANY sign at all that we (and others) would experience some change of fortune, and start charting a course towards brighter times; brighter horizons."

Then this happened:

I'd been looking out on a perfectly leaden deep gray morning. and then Protection Island — which I see from my home office window — suddenly lit up like fireworks because there was a tiny clearing in the clouds, off to the east on the opposite side of the house.

It was just amazing and beautiful!

A brief flash of sun warms Protection Island

Signs, Symbols... and Meaning

Of course, the scientist in me could easily ascribe this to being a completely random meteorological event.

Meanwhile, the psychologist in me remembers the studies of renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, upon whose work most of our modern understanding of the human psyche is based. Jung believed that "synchronicity" is a core part of the human experience.

Last — but certainly not least — the spiritualist in me saw "a sign from above," whether above is God, Source, Spirit, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or The-Great-Big-Is-And-Ever-Was.

Whatever way we interpret it, the FACTS are that I was looking out at a deep gray morning with heavy clouds, I wished for a sign of clearing on the horizon, and two minutes later the sun illuminated something "on the horizon" right in front of me.

And so — regardless of whether this truly matters, or not — I saw "a sign" and paused for long enough to grab my camera, run outside, snap these photos, and then the day went back to gray. The entire thing lasted maybe 90 seconds, no more.

And then I took a moment to have gratitude for whatever-it-is I was just witness to.

A different angle; zoom shot through the trees in our back yard

Why and HOW Things Have Meaning

I imagine some who read these words will be deeply religious, and some will be profound skeptics and Atheists. And that's perfectly as it should be... we need balance in this world.

Regardless, though, I believe signs like these end up having meaning for everyone... albeit in different ways.

Even to the scientist/Atheist, there will be an impact in the sense that it was a gray morning and suddenly there was a 90-second burst of bright isolated sunshine and you might come away simply with the thought "Wow, that was very beautiful and cool, and I just saw something that has about a 1-in-1000 chance of occurring!"

At the other end of the spectrum, the Spiritualist will feel blessed because "God Spoke!"

Either way, it doesn't matter!

The thing is that everyone got to be part of "breaking state" from a place where we were feeling gloom and doom, to where we suddenly witnessed something that prompted some to merely take a moment to go "Wow, that's BEAUTIFUL!" while others exclaimed "Thank you, Lord, for sending me a sign!"

Find beauty where you can... and have gratitude for it!

Then we take that "moment" with us, into our day. The format doesn't matter. Maybe we just remember it warmly, as we stand by the water cooler at work. Maybe we tell it as a story: "I saw the most amazing thing, this morning!" Maybe we're part of a Church or religious congregation, and share it there as a "miracle."

Whatever may be your individual truth, moments like this can work much the same way as we know that a massive avalanche can start because a single snowflake shifts a little, setting something bigger in motion.

In the greater scheme of things, an isolated little patch of sunshine hitting a remote island probably doesn't amount to a hill of beans... except it does, because it changes our sentiment; it changes the feelings we take into our day... even if just by a minuscule amount.

And so — whatever else might happen today — it is already a less sucky Monday!

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? What are your thoughts about "signs?" Even if they are "isolated" in the total sense of the word, do you believe events like can change our perception? Do you have any stories to share, along these lines? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 181210 14:10 PST


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