The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler

in #psychology7 years ago


The core of psychoanalysis as the new psychological direction is the doctrine of the unconscious. In its original form, this concept has too few orthodox supporters. On the other hand, the number of its revised, corrected and enriched variants has increased steadily, which in the 1970s was about 40. This differentiation of psychoanalytic systems was most pronounced after the Second World War, and today we are talking about second or even third generation in them.


Reasons for splitting Adler and Freud

A. Adler and H. Freud divide, the reason being their misunderstandings comes from their different views on the causes of neuroses. In general, Adler does not share the idea that the central motif of human life is sexuality. According to Adler, it is totally unacceptable for culture to evade the repression of sexual drive. Man by nature is a cultural being and in his spiritual life the sexual subject plays a large but not dominant role. After Freud's separation, Adler took the road of self-development, establishing a "Society for Individual Psychology". He is the author of numerous works, including "The Neural Character" (1912), "Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology" (1920), "Human Science" (1927), "The Meaning of Life" (1935) The individual psychology of A. Adler has a great impact on pedagogy. It analyzes the relationship of the individual to his / her social environment. A. Adler in contrast to H. Freud denies the sexual aetiology of neuroses. At the heart of the psychic life and development of the child, he puts the feeling of insignificance. It acts on a subconscious level and determines its overall behavior. The inferiority complex comes under the influence of many factors, the most important of which are: the imperfections of the human organism, perceived as living hurdles and the wrong system of upbringing. It is necessary to strengthen the faith of the children in their abilities in their training, to avoid everything that will give rise or increase the sense of inferiority, physical punishment, reproof, condemnation, irony, sarcasm, humiliation, laughter and mockery, despotic attitude, to give freedom to learning behavior. The complexes, according to A. Adler, are overcome by stimulating community feelings, the pursuit of cooperation, synergy and integration with others. In this sense, it attaches great importance to group interactions in school. A barometer of the healthy mental development of a person is a sense of belonging to a social formation, which gives her a sense of security and protection. A. Adler promoted his ideas in Austria in the 1920s, and many experimental schools are organized under his influence. In 1929. he published his study "Individual School Psychology". After World War II, Adler published in London his monograph "Childhood Upbringing" (1957).

Individual psychology by Alfred Adler

At the heart of the so-called Adler's individual psychology is the notion that man is a unified, indivisible, coherent whole (from the latin individualum indivisible). Every aspect of the individual's psychic life should be seen in reference to other countries and the body as a whole. Adler himself claims that individual psychological research seeks to deepen the understanding of man, which can only be drawn from the understanding of the attitude of the individual to his socially defined task .


A sense of community

One of the main causes of this psychological trend is the understanding that the driving force of human aspirations results from a mixture of the sense of community and the pursuit of personal superiority, one innate and the other acquired. The whole person is considered "as a variant of the individual manifestations of life and forms of expression, which presupposes the unity of individuality." The integral and indivisible individual has his own line of movement, goals, plan, and lifestyle created in early childhood and defining his behavior. Adler believes that the individual's integrity can not be separated from the relationship with life or, more specifically, with the community. "We call a character good or bad ... depending on whether it has value to the community. The ideal image by which we measure the individual is created, taking into account its value, its benefit to the community. " The development of the sense of community in man begins with the mother. According to Adler, if she spoils her child, she rejects the spread of feeling on other people, striving to restrain her father and other relatives who are not warm enough to him. In this way, the child begins to think that everything is easily accomplished with the help of others, it becomes unable to solve only its problems due to an underdeveloped sense of community. Adler believes we need to make sure that seemingly secondary issues require a well-developed sense of community for their solution. Its development largely depends on the relationship between the father and the child. If it is very mumbled by the mother, or if there is a disease that requires more care on her side, the distance between her and the father increases, and thus the development of the sense of community is obstructed. If the father treats the child as an equal, active participant in his or her own upbringing, and he himself worsens social interest as a role model, his significance for forming a sense of community is growing. According to Adler, the school also contributes to raising the sense of community in the child. It is there that it creates contacts, both with its classmates and with the teachers. On the other hand, the school as an institution develops and awakens human empathy. If the teacher is able to explain to the child the lack of a sense of community, the reasons for this and the ways to remove them, they can bring them closer to the community.

The doctrine of community feeling is the real underpinning of individual psychology. In it, man is conceived as a social being, and all life phenomena are interpreted as interpersonal interactions. According to Adler, treating a neighbor is the basic structure of human existence. He stresses that "the feeling of community develops tenderness, love for neighbors, friendship ...". Poor sense of community is one of the most important symptoms of neuroticism, manifested in avoiding cooperation, limited human love, weakening the ability to adapt socially or refusing to assume obligations to society.
In relation to the sense of community, Adler develops the thesis of social interest. The category of social interest is very important for the good mental health, condition and adaptability of the adult. It is defined as the innate potential to cooperate with others to achieve personal and community goals. Our social interest develops in the youth years through learning, combined with the innate concern for others. This is also related to our propensity to experience empathy.


Goals for perfection and success

A major aspect in Adler's psychology is the understanding that human life is determined by the goals. "We are not able to think, feel, desire, act if we have no purpose in front of us." Very often the goal can be strictly fixed or variable. This depends on her perspective. From the goals you put in your life one can judge for himself. "If we know the purpose of a person and we are mostly orientated in the world, then we know what his reactions may mean, and we can conclude that their purpose is to meet that goal." When the objectives are known, the direction in which they will be used can be anticipated. "When I know the purpose of a person, I know about what will happen." Very often, changes in life occur with changes in the goals one puts. Adler believes that to a certain extent the goals are shaped by the impressions of the child communicated to the outside world. "The ideal, the purpose of man, is formed in the first months of his life. Because then, those perceptions, to which the child reacts with joy or annoyance, have played their role. " Thus Adler assumes that many of the foundations in human life are placed in childhood, but at the same time they are later built up because they are volatile and prone to influence. According to Adler, the personality is oriented towards achieving goals with inherent independence, and sincerely strives for perfection and success. A neurotic type of person follows unrealistic goals beyond his limits and can not escape his sense of inferiority. Therefore, psychological therapy and counseling through the re-education method must be Adler's orientation to replace the erroneous lifestyle indicative of a normally functioning personality. He considers that the mentally healthy person has discovered the true meaning of life, striving for perfection and reaching socially useful goals. According to Adler, lack of social interest and unity with life as a whole can lead to a "complex of inferiority." This complex is the result of a continuous struggle for superiority, aimed at concealing it through another complex - the "supremacy complex" originally called "masculine protest". Later, Adler fully perceives the term "superiority complex" as it semantically corresponds to the compensatory action of the psychic processes underlying it. The psychological meaning of this complex is to "cover" the underlying feeling of inferiority with a sense of domination over others. On the other hand, the supremacy complex is supported by an "increased ego-consciousness," accompanied by a sense of security and stability. In this regard, the purpose of the consultative work is to help the client to realize the weakness of the social feeling in the complex for inferiority and superiority. According to this theory, the "compensatory superstructure" includes within itself an advanced system of means of protection. Adler calls this system a "guiding fiction". It is a "fiction" because it is a completely subjective product and construction. In this connection, Adler uses the term "guiding" because it organizes the individual's way of functioning in all situations or his neurotic lifestyle. In this sense, Adler uses the notion of "unconscious". The guiding fiction "acts secretly within the limits of the unconscious," being so influential that "unconsciously the neurotic becomes incapable of free action, as well as solving problems without prejudice." In such a context, Adler treats deviant behavior of children. According to him, this behavior is based on unconscious mistakes. In his view, this behavior is based on unconscious mistakes. He considers that the initial stage of these attitudes, as well as the ultimate goal of the "masculine" protest, are unconscious of the individual. Adler's individual psychology represents a new stage in the development of world psychology, psychotherapy and pedagogy, and her author remains immortal in eternity.

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This is one of the most comprehensive I've read today. In my opinion it's also the best of your articles (I read it all believe me). Haha. Thanks for sharing things about Adler I learned alot.

Thank you very much! I'm glad someone reads what I write and is useful for you ? :)) Well, psychology is my biggest passion and maybe that's the reason you like it more then the others, hehe :)

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that's great. keep it up

This is so profound. I believe that human being is a social being and that we need each other. No man can live alone because no man is an island. This post is so educative and informative.

that's grate post.

The Adlerian theory is a social, humanistic and positive theory. The theory relates to optimism and acceptance to human nature and focuses on the uniqueness of each person. The worldview encourages respectful and nonjudgmental consideration, believing that every person has the potential for healthy growth and creativity.

The Adlerian theory is applicable in three circles of life:

  1. Family (parenting, extended family, relationships and old age)
  2. Working
  3. Society / Community

Adlerian theory sees great importance in balancing the three life cycles of mental health and man's functioning abilities.
The theory refers to the individual - to a person, as an indivisible whole, a body and a soul that is one entity that works to achieve goals.
The basic assumptions of the theory are that all human beings are equal in value, that human beings are social beings working within a social environment and out of a desire to belong to society.

Adlerian theory is a positive, optimistic and adaptive psychology that assumes that man's interpretation of reality is subjective and that he can decide, choose, and make a difference in his life.

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