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RE: The Psychology of Colours (Part 11) - Ordinary Grey

in #psychology6 years ago

Interesting... grAy or grEy it's like Adam's or Eve's interpretation of Black plus White. We think black plus white makes grey which is dull and boring. But all colors mixed together makes black and white light contains all the colors of the rainbow. So perhaps if Adam(man) and Eve(woman) could see eye to eye, those 500 shades (or 50 shades) of grey would not appear so dull and boring but actually be full of colors?


Oh, I read your article it was very interesting!
Again, a play with words like grAy and grEy (Adam and Eve - you are very very creative)!
I agree, black and white can be considered as nothing but also as everything, it depends from where you see it.

Ya, I was relating this to man and woman because I recently flew through OMAN (WOMAN without the W) and the nation basically has a dress code that is all white robes for man and all black robes and veil for woman. It's like everything is black and white and woman gets black. No gray or grey areas there! They worship the man on the throne there, "the glorious leader" which of course reflects the way they treat man as so WONDERFUL compared to Woman... it's as if they stole the Wonder (W) from Wonder Woman and made the country OMAN. :P

Sometimes I truly believe that God shaped the words and wanted us to see these links between them... Nomen est omen, right?

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