Recognizing Your Circle of Influence - (And What You Just Can't Do A Damn Thing About)

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

While I was studying at Heartwood Institute in N. California some 25 years ago, I was presented with the Circle of Influence principle, which became something that I increasingly reflected upon through the years.

I discovered that by not allowing myself to turn over and over in my head various events and situations that are out of my control, I gave myself a sizable amount of both energy and time to focus on the things that are truly important to me, and be effectively instrumental in having some sort of influence over them.

It’s certainly a good practice to develop the habit of regularly checking in with ourselves to see just what we’re allowing out attention to be drawn towards. It can however, be quite the challenge to withdraw our attention and concern from the multitude of atrocities, injustices, etc., that we see in the world today.

Perhaps when find ourselves losing ourselves in some way within the conditions/events that surround us, we could, just stop, and ask ourselves - “Is my mental approach to this situation actually being in service for the greater good? Is it helpful?

I’d hate to actually see the numbers in relation to how much time and energy that I’ve just wasted wallowing around in some worrisome thought.

Of course, it is only natural to hold some kind of concern for certain things in our lives and the world. We end up however, creating some suffering for ourselves if we dwell too long on who or what we have recognized as being disturbing in some way. And just what is that doing for us and the situation when all that worry is being spent on something that we have no influence over at all?

When we can begin to become unshakable in our commitment to focus only those things that we can truly influence in some way, we will certainly discover just how much power we each have to be the proactively creative geniuses that we are!

Follow if you want: @cosmicorder


Interesting read, for me being genius is not about being special in one thing but rather be complete in all those small field that form us as individual. One aspect of it is understanding this circle you shared with us sir.

Thank you for reading, and for your perspective here. Much appreciated!

Its difficult to stay focused sometimes, especially on any Social media Platform where we are bombarded by things that we would normally pay no attention to.

I fully agree. I find it takes away a bit of the time that I should have available for creative endeavors. So it is; hopefully we can find the right balancing act here.

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