Why the word "alien" is complete propaganda

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


Pop culture tells us that if a life form comes from another planet, or dimension, it is "alien".

This perspective is heavily orchestrated through movies, T.V shows, and the political correctness of the status quo.

Further more, we are indoctrinated by these same means to believe that any other - worldly life form that is more advanced than us is ALWAYS hostile.

Yet Extensive evidence exists showing that the worlds conventional and shadow governments are the ones who are hostile.

99 % of the evidence that exists showing that E.T.s are real and are in contact with us, shows that they are trying to either help us advance in technology or consciousness, or have been here to prevent planetary destruction that would have been our own doing.

Mr Lachezar Filipov , deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, tells us in an interview with bulgarian media that;

"Aliens are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time,"
"They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them."

Mr. Filipov also declared that humans would need to establish contact with E.T.s with the power of thought, rather than the conventional method of using radio waves.

There even seems to be evidence that E.T.s have also saved us from nuclear war various times by disabling nuclear weapons.

More over, trusted disclosure sources such as david wilcock, david icke, etc. claim that most sapient E.T.s are actually humanoid.

This makes sense, sense what would happen in one corner of the universe should happen in all others if the universal laws are the same, which they are.

This is a far cry from the picture painted by pop culture of nefarious, slimy beasts.

GIANT COCKROACH (Copy)1655.jpg

The fact of the matter is that the only thing "alien" about aliens is the way that governments cover up their existence with misinformation and propaganda; as if humanity can't handle the truth.

I mean, there are literally billions of galaxies with trillions of stars that each house a solar system, which makes for quadrillions of planets - most of which probably harbour intelligent life.

And for all we know there could be an infinite amount of universes.

Are we really going to assume that intelligent life is NOT the norm?

If its the norm on planet earth, what makes us feel it is not the norm every where else?

For all we know there could be intelligent life in every solar system, and almost every single planet.

The only reason to pretend that life is not unquestionably common, is to push the propaganda that whatever ETs do exist and ARE more advanced than us would be hostile. This propaganda is necessary for increased military spending.

The military needs a reason to "defend" us, so they create an enemy.

Kind of like how 911 created the patriot act which was supposed to protect us....and then we find out 911 was planned by the same people claiming they are here to defend us and to serve us.

Clearly, the only hostile "aliens", are the sociopaths who run and control our planet on OUR behalf.

The idea that other worldly life forms are "alien" , is actually propaganda.

This is evident by the fact that human beings from various cultures have been in contact with good E.T.s for all of history.

Every culture talks about and documents the same phenomenon of E.T.s coming to earth.

The ancient sumerians, egyptians, syrians, etc, documented this with monuments, statues, and cave carvings: which are currently being destroyed by the U.S. military...

Perhaps these "aliens", are more alike us then they are different.

Perhaps they are more loving than they are hateful.

Perhaps, if we were more accepting of their existence, didn't call them "aliens", and didn't picture them as slimy beasts; they would help us with some of our many dilemmas.

Are these beings really so different that they are "alien"?

Or are they so alike that they are FAMILY ?

Lets end the separation propaganda and embrace our inter galactic family.

Stay tuned for my next post, which explains how everything is in a state of coition.

And follow to become the king of your mind.


Img-sources: 1 , 2

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I could write a "book" as a reply to this, but on the whole I just would say "I agree."

I believe it was Arthur C. Clarke who once pointed out that no matter where in the Universe you are, objects, life, substances are going to automatically seek their "most efficient" form for their environment and surroundings. So if we are out there looking for life-supporting exoplanets that resemble Earth, wouldn't it make the most sense that the life we find their would resemble the life on Earth? For example, humanoid in some way?

OK, so we're not out there looking for exoplanets (except with telescopes), but would the reverse also apply? Namely, the "aliens" coming here would be looking for planets similar to their own... so the lifeforms here would resemble the lifeforms where they came from? By extension, because we are smilar to them, wouldn't they be more likely to look for ways to connect and cooperate, than ways to destroy us?

Thanks bro. I appreciate your comments.

Very good way of putting it, I agree totally.

Propaganda is never logical.

I think we have to take care for each other... I you start to think about all the theorys you said, it's kind of sad when you see the actual conditions of our own species. We don't even haven't finished the wars, or the hungry, or diseases.. How could we start a relationship with a different species?

Yes, we need to begin to love ourselves first.

But, if we choose to talk or think about other - worldly beings, my point is that we should see them as our brothers and sisters rather than as "aliens".

If there really was an "alien" race millions of years more advanced than us and sinister....they would already be ruling us indirectly....(who can prove that they're not?)

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