Who gets up early: Larks start and win

in #psychology5 years ago

What kind of bird are you - a lark, an owl, or maybe a dove? Scientists have once again proved that the former have more advantages - first of all, they have better health. So, if you are a fan of early climbs, you can only be glad for you. And what about the rest of the "feathered"?
If you are a “morning person”, then in the morning you feel that you can turn mountains, and as the day tends to evening, your energy runs out. You like to go to bed early and get up with the first roosters, but the lights of the night city do not attract you at all. Whatever you plan: a yoga lesson at 5:30, a meeting with a business partner at 8:00 - you are ready for anything before the alarm rings. And how annoying you are the “owls” that even a double espresso cannot wake up before noon!

It seems to you that being a lark is excellent. And this idea is confirmed by the results of recent studies on human chronotypes.

The longer the days when we were born, the more likely we are to be a lark
At the same time, researchers are sure that being a lark is good for health, but owls should know that there is a certain connection between “nightlife” and affective disorders, metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
Night falls, the refrigerator wakes up
Researchers believe that in the dark we are much more prone to indulging in bad habits: smoke breaks, drinking alcohol. The tradition of nighttime snacks does not bring anything good either.
The health of larks is much stronger: they move more, smoke less and take medicine, sleep better
It turned out that among lovers of the dark, social life was more intense. They more often than others talked and had fun. And this is understandable: parties and dinner parties take place mainly in the evenings!

But the health of those who prefer early rises turned out to be much stronger. It turned out that, in general, they move more, smoke less and take medicine, sleep better. But owls have a higher risk of hypertension and obesity. As for the possibility of getting sick with depression, it is approximately the same for owls and larks, but for those who are “in the middle” of the scale, it is lower.
Unfortunately, we cannot change our chronotype. But to know about the risks associated with the features of our sleep and wake cycles will never hurt.
And here are 5 tips for finding time for important things in the morning:

  1. Track how much time and what you spend
    In order to change habits in the future, you need to know how they look in the present, so keep a table in the spirit of a food diary. Record how much time you spend in the morning on hygiene, cooking, and collecting children for school. Based on the information received, you can adjust your habits.

  2. Imagine your perfect morning
    Once you understand what time is taking, ask yourself what you would like to change. Someone wants to spend the early hours at an unhurried breakfast with loved ones, and after everyone leaves the house, set aside 15 minutes for your blog. Someone dreams of 10 minutes of physical exercise before going to work. Someone would like to set aside time to search for new creative ideas, knitting or brainstorming. There are many ideas - choose the one that you like.

  3. Think about how to bring the plan to life.
    If your time is limited in the morning, you won’t be able to cut out 15 minutes for a blog just like that. So, you have to act on the clock - and it is desirable that all the items you need are at hand, and the probability of force majeure is minimized.

  4. Create a habit
    You will first have to turn on willpower. In order for a habit to form, it takes time and the iron confidence that you really need it. Laura Vanderkam advises getting used to the new regime gradually: do not immediately try to get up at 5:30 if you are used to doing it at 7:30. First, set the alarm at 7:15 for several days. Then you can transfer it to an even earlier time.

Take your time: it’s best to introduce habits one at a time. Encourage yourself with something pleasant: “give” yourself movie tickets, a welcome book or just a glass of coffee in a good coffee house for a run or work on complex embroidery. Later, when your habit begins to motivate you itself (for example, you will see the result of regular morning exercises in the face fitness in the mirror), the need for “bonuses” will disappear.

  1. Adjust to the situation
    Life does not stand still. Perhaps someday it will become difficult for you to run in the mornings. Or your work schedule will change. This means that rituals can also change - the main thing is that you find time on them.

From a medical website:

April 27, 2011 -- The most common time of day for heart attacks is the morning, and now new research suggests that morning heart attacks are also the most serious. Heart attacks occurring between 6 a.m. and noon were associated with the most the damage in the study, reported Wednesday in the journal Heart.Apr 27, 2011
Risk Factors: Hypertension
Heart Attacks in the Morning Are More Severe - WebMD

From a News website:

Heart attacks are five to six times more likely to occur in the early morning hours between 1 and 5 a.m., and studies have shown that morning heart attacks tend to be more severe than those that happen later in the day.Feb 28, 2012
Heart attacks more common in the morning | Fox News

So people have to decide between the two, 6 AM to noon per the medical site,


1am-5am per the news site?

Take a pick there are likely a half a dozen other reports claiming this or claiming that, and you will never get a real answer because both answers will no doubt be backed up by serious studies.

People need to not worry so much about stuff, if you are happy being a morning person, then be happy being a morning person. If you enjoy being a night person enjoy being a night person.

Learn you own personal circadian rhythm, and either live with it, or fret over it, because you do not want to live the rhythm you were dealt.

Thanks for the comment, it is useful for the community.

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