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RE: Exposure to Inequality Begets Inequality Rather than Generosity

in #psychology8 years ago

The most difficult problem of our time, solve the problem of equalitarianism in the world of Objects
The blockchain as a realizable Utopia of an equalitarian society in the relation of man to man has not yet resolved the problem of the world of objects being a hierarchic society of personal privatized assets and such an abyssal gap in the distribution of wealth.
But some new idealists on the blockchain are creating a feasible utopia by trying to make way to lower the gap of inequality, like UBI (Universal Basic Income).
Egalitarianism for now just a non-realizable utopia
Can't resist putting a quote of my next post in relation to inequality
Al Capone - "Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class"


Well said! And I truly believe that the solutions won't come from Govt. Trillions in wasted spending and nothing has been solved.

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