Introduction to the Dialectics of Liberation - Anarchism, Existentialism, and Decentralism

in #psychology6 years ago

The Dialectics of Liberation: Anarchism, Existentialism, and Decentralism.
Introduction to the Dialectics of Liberation

"Capitalism is the occult god of a cultural religion with the dogmas of consumerism and wealth accumulation." - charlie777pt


In this series, I will talk about the "Dialectics of Liberation", integrating three fundamental sources of personal freedom, existentialism, anarchism, and decentralism, integrating their common points, their pseudo-contradictions and extensions to the struggle for freedom in today's society.
I will also explain about more specific issues such as existentialist psychoanalysis and its relations with anti-psychiatry, the great weapon for total personal destructuring, as a possible resurrection of a new human being in his unity and singularity.
This series first title, The Dialectics of Liberation, is an homage to the Congress with the same name that happened in July 1967 in London.
On the other side the subtitles, Anarchism, Existentialism and Decentralism, are about the three main philosophies of self-liberation that influenced my experiences of life and have in common the point of individualism.

I was very young when I understood that the collectivism (socialist or social-democracy), was not the answer for free capitalism because any beautiful ideal that is used by a person in power, would wake up the will for power and domination, like a disease of centralization.
The right and the left had a common goal of domination and the use of power, that soon will turn in abuse and addiction.
In Portugal after the Revolution of April 1974, most of the revolutionaries around me, were invocating as their motives for acting, the fight for the liberation of Mankind from injustice and poverty, but they were hiding from themselves, that they were driven by the will for power, for the exercise of force to control the ones they wanted to liberate.

Most of my friends from my late youth that wanted a free humanity, today they are for a long time addicted to the exercise of power, and they forgot the other people in the first day they seated in the throne.
And all my political tools came to a dead end, and then I got to know Sartre and could not help but read everything, and I found other writers like Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Karl Jaspers, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Martin Buber, Herbert Marcuse, Arthur Schopenhauer, Ronald D. Laing, David Copper, Allen Ginsberg, and many others I will mention during this series.

The expectations of capitalism becoming the assurance of a better welfare world for all, was a nonsense created by the system in people's minds, resulting from the decline of the family and the bourgeois society, and there are no solutions for this problem in centralized structures.
The decline of the actual centralized technological and politically perverted civilization, is already collapsing and it is evident and inevitable but we can't predict when it's going to happen.
The centralized Capitalism in actual economy is like Fire, that was the start of our civilization and it will take many time to extinguish it in our burning planet, but both must be stoped for the survival of the human race.


1 - Anarchy

"Liberty, Not the Daughter, but the Mother of Order". - Proudhon
The terrorist anarchism against the Royatly emerged in the end of the nineteenth century, and created myths od anarchy in society meaning a blood bath and the horror of assassinations, but today it seems it has happened once in the history of anarchism, but they just wanted to call the attention of the public to tremendous exploitation and social injustice and to stop the cycle of the inherited power by divinity of the kings.

Anarchy means as a society without governments and centralization, and anarchism is the social philosophy to show the path to its realization.
Anarchy is the individual affirmation over the morality and the State, and is hostile to capitalist bourgeois Democracy and Authoritarian Socialism.
Anarchy is a big tree with lots of branches that we will try to classify and define in the first series about Anarchism for a broader view of all the theorists, branches and its manifestations.

Anarchism had all types of reactions from pacifism and dialog to bombs and terror, to fight the power opposing people's will.
Individualist anarchism is one of the many anarchist movements stating the prevalence of the individual and will, over the determination of majorities, groups, society, norms, traditions, morality or ideologies.
This philosophy was started by Benjamin Ricketson Tucker (1854 –1939) the editor and publisher of the individualist anarchist magazine the Liberty.

"if the individual has the right to govern himself, all external government is tyranny" - Benjamin Tucker individualist anarchist
Prudhon was the first theorist of anarchism about economic independence that demanded the extinction of the inefficiency of the state through our praxis (human action).

2 - Existentialism

"Existentialism is about being a saint without God; being your own hero, without all the sanction and support of religion or society." - Anita Brookner
Existentialism developed in the end 19th and 20th centuries and had a tremendous influence in my generation and spread to a big public that in most part was not particularly interested in philosophy.
May 68 was the apogee of the existentialist movement in practice on the streets, starting with the intellectuals and soon with the total adherence of the working class against the cachectic France's government and dominant norms and cultural standards.
Some of the philosophers, writers, and artists that where connotated with the movement, refused that label but they were immersed in that spirit of the uniqueness of every human being that was floating in the air at the time.

The idealistic philosophy of existentialism marked an era, reaching a wide audience, thanks to a mixture with the arts and literature and social interventions that extended it to a whole society, from the intellectuals to the workers, and all over the world.
We have to understand that these ideas were born in the collective consciousness and individual awareness of the first signs the already decaying capitalism as a crisis of humanity that expanded till today.
Existentialism and anarchism place the principle of the individual as the vortex of human thoughts and actions in this world.

"there is a close link between the existentialists' stress on the individual, free choice, and moral responsibility and the main tenets of anarchism" - Peter Marshall - Anarchist historian
Experience cannot be exchanged between people, and is based on the practical contact with others and observation of facts or events like each other behavior.
The father of existentialism, Kierkegaard, said that human beings are corrupt that invade all spheres of society, governments, and religion, by morality as a social imprisonment, that everybody should fight against.

3 - Decentralism and decentralization

In this series, I will use the term Decentralism that can be confused with the political and governments concept of Decentralization, that only means the autonomy of the administrative organs, but under the power of a centralized structure.
The philosophy of decentralism is mainly associated with libertarianism, but it is against centralism, opposing the results of free trade, which will lead to the exploitation and abuse of human rights, which is a common result of centralization.
Decentralism is kind of libertarianism opposed to exploitation in a non-free market, using monopolistic dominance.
Libertarianism should worry about the moral constraints of the repercussion of economic laws, and Decentralism, is a reminder to the libertarian movement, that society can't sell the planet earth and people's rights.
Sometimes, Decentralism is sometimes compared to Kevin Carson’s Mutualism.

Decentralism from the 19th and 20th century, have some similarities, but also have some contrasting principles with the actual Decentralization movement of the blockchain, that we are going to define in this series.
The concept of decentralization in the blockchain it totally different from the initial movements because it was born with a technology attached to a supra-theory of total decentralism.

4 - Anarchism, Existentialism and Decentralism

"Anarchy is a Decentralism, and Existentialism the human singularity" - charlie777pt
Existentialism besides being used by collectivism (socialism and communism) as a reinforcement of its theories, but even Sartre and others soon found out that people should get rid of any political centralized influences as the Marxist view, like the conclusions of the anarchists.
Marxism, when applied in politics, resulted in a commitment to “centralism”.
Marxism’s commitment to “centralism” created communist totalitarian state capitalism, by the total concentration of power over free will, and these were the points of view anarchist and decentralism wanted to fight.
"a push towards decentralization... [but became,] in the end, an extension of centralization" - Alexis de Tocqueville about the French Revolution.

Anarchism and Existentialism have the common points of refusing centralized authority, but the former believe power corrupts people and the latter believe that people corrupt power and themselves with the norms and we must always be vigilant to eliminate their influence.
Anarchists, Libertarians and Decentralists appeared during the 19th and 20th with the Ideas of liberation and decentralization as a response to the problems of centralized systems.

5 - Self-liberation

The humanistic-existential approach to personality, fed on the philosophical assumptions of the trait of personality and psychoanalytic approaches.
Humanists look at personality as development and self-actualization of any unique and singular human potentials.
Existentialists emphasize the concept of angst and know that people have defensive mechanisms against questioning the meaning of life and the inevitability of death.
"The false self is one way of not being oneself." - Ronal D. Laing - The Divided Self An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness.

6 - Decentralization on the "BlockNet"

The blockchain is a paradigm of technological consensus, that is very innovative and challenging, because it is supported by the concept of decentralization and social consensus.
The Blockchain and Decentralization will change the way we see, work and live in the global economy, politics, education, media, wealth distribution, and the sustainability of the scarce and finite resources of "Spaceship Earth"
“Knowledge is the Key to be Free!” - Daniel Guerin

The Dialectics of Liberation: Anarchism, Existencialism and Decentralism.
Published Posts:

Introduction to the Dialectics of Liberation: Anarchism, Existencialism and Decentralism

Next posts on the Series:
I - Anarchism

  • What is Anarchism?
  • The history of Anarchism - the impossible mission

II - Existencialism

  • What is Existencialism?
  • The Existencialisms
  • Humanism and Existentialism
  • Existencialism and Anarchism

III - Decentralism

  • What is Decentralism?
  • The Philosophy of decentralism
  • Blockchain and Decentralization
  • Existencialism, Anarchism and Decentralism

IV - Dialectic for Self-Liberation

  • The Dialectics of Liberation Congress
  • Psychoanalysis and existencialism
  • The Anti-psychiatry movement

Further Reading:

Anarchism-- Wkipedia
Anarchist schools of thought - Wikipedia
Existentialism - Wikipedia
The Congress of Dialectics of Liberation (1967)
  • 1967 Congress Participants - The main participants
  • Congress Photobook - Audience photos
  • Dialectics Introduction
    • The Congress on the Dialectics of Liberation (for the Demystification of Violence) happened in London's Roundhousefrom the 15th to the 30th July 1967.
    Existentialist anarchism - wikipedia
    Kevin Carson - Wikipedia
    Kevin Carson is an anarchist and political theorist of mutualism, individualist anarchism, left-libertarianism and free market.
    Kevin Carson's Mutualism


    OIZERMAN, Teodor. O Existencialismo e a Sociedade. In: OIZERMAN, Teodor; SÈVE, Lucien; GEDOE, Andreas. Problemas Filosóficos. 2a edição, Lisboa, Prelo, 1974.
    Teodor Oizerman was Russian contemporary philosopher (May 14, 1914, Petrovirivka, Ukraine Died: March 25, 2017, Moscow, Russia).



The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self..

Very Intresting sir

Nice, It's very informative post. Thanks @charlie777pt

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