Insight as Self Consciousness

in #psychology8 years ago

Insight as Self Consciousness

Insight has a generating mechanism of the Cathartic Process.

"What we call "normal " is a product of repression, denial, splitting, projection, introjection and other forms of destructive action on experience." Laing, Ronald D. "The political experience and bird-of-paradise"

In this article, we will pay attention how, in the analytic relationship, a certain kind of insight processes, participate in the cathartic process that occurs in the subject analyzed.

The insight in this context is in the process generated by the analyst, who through the press or "drungen" (in German according to Freud), will awake the projection of the subject on the analyst, generating the transfer (or transfer).

The analyst using the analytical method generates countertransference, creating conditions for the emergence of "insigth" in the analysis, causing its catharsis.

In the ontological process of catharsis, there is a causal insight function as dynamic inherent of the cathartic process

Insight an be defined as the process of awareness generated by countertransference, performed by the analytical method, and whose dynamics determines catharsis.

According to the operative theory of intelligence, for Jean Piaget and the structuralists, the insight would be the emergence in the field of consciousness, of structures formed by balancing fields common to reality and the neurophysiological system of the subject.

Gestaltists see insight as a perceptual field function, all of the subject in which the structure of this field corresponds to the perceptions, intelligence acts, and so on, while its dynamic determines the functioning and leads to the award of positive or negative values ​​to objects (material or human), thus defining the praxeology of affectivity in cognitive activity and behavior

Insight in Psychoanalysys

Psychoanalysis originated over the last decade of the century. XIX a particularly productive time in the recent history of the intelligentsia.

It was in this century that the Modern Rationalism (arisen two centuries before) took the direction of light - the way of humanization of science.

The climate of Liberalism century. XIX proposed that the man should solve their problems through science. This climate even more imbued with cultural and educational atmosphere of the time, where coincidentally Freud grew and formed.

"If you know, you can actually do it." Whether you come from the Greeks in the inscription of the temple was "know your being" ( "Know theyself") or an "old" New Testament: "the truth will make you free."

Freud believed to be possible for scientific work forward in terms of the reality of the world of knowledge, and through this enhance our strength and according to it we organize our lives.

Peter Gay, historian, described Freud and his passion for knowledge, "the more evident trace of Freud's character, was the ability to create / generate insights and transform tehm into a General Psychology with an uncompromising commitment to the Truth..

Freud biggest ambition was the "will to know."

Freud began his career in psychiatry it is interesting deeply by trying to explain how the attention of the process is used to protect the logical characteristics of conscious thought processes, as well as the realistic aspects of perception of influences, that will distort the motives and affections.

With his discovery of the unconscious dynamics and the principle of censorship, and after realizing that providing patients (as fast as possible) direct knowledge of their traumatic experiences suppressed, their interest has directed to the related issue with the use of conscious thought processes at the service of gratification and defense without the individual becoming aware of how easy it is their critical faculties, analysis and judgment being subverted by unconscious motives.

Freud eventually ended up discrediting the patient Insight as a vital factor in the healing process valuing more the irrational power of positive transfer.

Freud never directly addressed the problem for a theory of Insight, namely how the conscious knowledge of unconscious determinants of a person's behavior led or lead to a change in the unconscious perceptions of danger of the ego and consequently an increased ability to change the neurotic defenses allowing a better resolution of intrapsychic conflicts.

The therapeutic practice of the time, with the implicit and imminent emergence of a causal or motivational theory of neurogenesis, the Insight itself, as the primary therapeutic agent.

The essence of "go saying" forgotten memories or thoughts considered as trivial would be to free the strangled affections.

"If a person recognized the origins of the past and if he or she gained understanding or insight about what" transpired "and what the hidden conflicts behind the symptoms - must have certainly an effect of" healing. "

Freud this time did not use the term Insight neither to the patient nor to the process, but the implication that knowing the actually acquiring an increasingly convincing explanation regarding the motivation behind the "disease" especially regarding the paradigm of experiences and fantasies, which Freud later reframed in terms of psychic reality.

Insight element (looking back) "been there" from the beginning, although not in a leading role in the treatment process.

The aim is to recover memories and get to a point where in the conflict could be resolved at a conscious level, a resolution of "so far" the unconscious incompatibilities.

The result could be therefore the reach of psychic coherence or integration through conflict resolution. However, conflict resolution, that is, the reconciliation of incompatibilities, is achieved by virtue of an integrative trend, now metapsychologically structured as the Ego's activity, "where id was, there ego Shall be."

The recognition by the patient of a mental disorder and the desire to heal are essential prerequisites to their treatment.

The analysis tends to fail where there is lack of insight and when it is initiated not by attitude of the patient but for family or social pressure.

Important questions arise: if there will be also valid substitutes Insight, such as "replacements" are made; the extent to which a non-conscious individual of his pathology can be induced to wish for its extinction. In short, how you can get around to all the trouble caused by the absence of this ability, or rather the lack of understanding of process capability.

Presence and Absense (as development factor "normal")

We could define Self-knowledge as communication between the Id and Ego

The extent of knowledge of each one about their psychic process is one of the most urgent problems facing the Psychoanalyst.

A phenomenon beyond the psychoanalytical terminology and highly influenced by it: the term used to designate this particular manifestation in the psychoanalyst vocabulary is the term "Insight",

English translation of the German term "Einsicht" and Freud employed it almost exclusively to designate " to realize "`the presence of the patient and significance of the psychological disorders (" krankheitseinsicht ").

The term appears occasionally as something linked to knowledge in general. and a particular instance as "revelation": the German adjective "Einsichtig" means "reasonable", "open" arguments "," not stubborn, "while the English form" Insightful "," capable of Insight ", meaning" knowledgeable "," likely to be known. "

In fact, whenever we find the term Insight used by English authors, is it always as a synonym for knowledge, this is for the links established between consciousness and the unconscious, understand the reasons for evil geniuses and feelings of each relations a past and a present, the reasons for the actions, predilections or their opposites.

Two opinions on Insight

One of the authors believe it is one of the analysis of the tasks return the patient Insight had lost because of his "neurosis", this is due to the clumsy use of defenses erected against insurgencies or Id claims.

The other party argues that psychoanalytic treatment helps the patient to go further in its Insight capacity, more than other people or people who have never gone through psychoanalytic therapy:

What is certain is that this psychoanalytic technique effectively brings the possibility the patient to review his inner life, to which he had never arrived in normal circumstances of life, not only stored as creating Insight.

For younger individuals who have undergone a successful analytic treatment, it is difficult to suddenly communicate with their "contemporaries" who did not have the same experience. The purchase of "a new look for himself" through the analysis makes them feel isolated beings to a certain extent, a different ability that makes them feel, which makes them stand out from.

Insight VS Guidance

The discrepancy between Insight (inner process) and orientation (the external world) seems to be closely linked with the maturation process of the Ego functions in the first 2 years of life.

These are the functions that, very gradually, will humanize this beeing almost "animally" born, to make it a socially acceptable human beeing , in order to render it susceptible to environmental influences, cause the emotional attachment to the material world, in short, they serve to adapt.

While the balance between the power of Id and the forces of the ego is still precarious, there is the possibility of all that the Ego learn, be released in the Id service, helping you actually achieve the full realization of random derivative unacceptable to the environment, bringing with it the threat of impending doom or loss of love, and instead of serving their adaptation, disturb it.

The defense activity, as is understood in the analytic theory begins in its most primitive form with denial and outsourcing, and these advances to introjection and projection, repression and reaction formation, sublimation, with its objective of mitigating the Id derivative, ie the need to protect and build the organization of the Ego, its relationship with the environment, the disruptive interference of the guidelines and the urgency with which struggle in search of fulfillment.

Insight- Nice Effects

Its origins in childhood

The term Insight implies "I see inside of me" or "look into my mind."

There is no "eye" that some see inside the mind; because the mind does not occupy space; there is no mind "physics" into which we could see.

Insight then is merely a metaphor taken from actual experience that a person has with its environment, specifically the metaphor is drawn from experience that a person has with his mother.

In this experiment the child perceives his being, his mother and his interaction with her as the "see inside" him, and know and see what she sees.

This perception by the mother of the child is now internalized and experienced by the individual as "self-awareness" or "self become aware", "understanding self," and all these are forms of Insight.

This mother-child process also incorporates the link between the words to the feelings and behaviors, and how this "naming" sometimes results in a feeling of success, a reduction of tension and psychic pain.

"For the child is perceived to itself and to others, as their parents there will be perceived, and behaves towards himself and others, just as these to have behaved with him."

The to be aware of something that is within the self is a function of maternal consciousness, it is the relationship between the mother and her child.

In short, Insight may be the culmination in adulthood, a long process of cognitive and emotional development in which one can observe sequential phases.

The first experiences of "naming" between mother and child results in a sense of congruence, mutuality and unity and offer a re-creation of the sense of childhood omnipotence that turns out to be one with the mother.

These affective experiences that involve the internalization of the mother's affirmative answers have adaptive value for both the internal and external reality. They reinforce the critical view of the insights that later come to happen and those resulting from the analysis through interpretation.

Unconscious Insight

Some of its manifestations in both neuroses and psychoses can be designated or regarded as efforts erected to protect the patient from pain or displeasure.

When an individual is imprisoned in their struggle with the external world to the point of failing to "get up, give up an unconscious adaptation, in one way or another in order to allow you to live with a minimum of effort.

Insight at the unconscious level is generally seen where or when, the body reacts to a violent shock: the death of someone dear, sudden miss of one relationship, if you know of a serious illness, etc.

These are situations in which the Ego revolts at the Super Ego and its irrevocability, situations in which the fortress is built to protect from pain, but are also situations in which the truth about the reality turns out to be manifested in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously.

An unconscious Insight of the gravity of the situation.

It is possible that in certain states considered "acute", where panic or shock suddenly appear as a result of a destructive organic process, the individual regress to a stage of life of its past where ego and superego are still developing?

Or is it possible that the ego revolts against the super ego and allow some Id trends come to the surface?

Laughing is the best therapy

Infant, organic or psychic tendencies later to a sudden shock may sometimes be considered as reactions to an unconscious Insight, pain responses to inevitable that arrives suddenly.

Along these ideas, we had in mind, which Freud had discovered on the tendency of psychic activity is to reduce and dissolve the voltage to protect the individual pain. Occasionally, reality comes to consciousness and that's something new and refreshing manifests.

Throughout some cases I have had the opportunity to read about the unconscious Insight, the author ends up driving with preference to the phenomenon of "wit" as a phenomenon that manifests itself in mental condition "abnormal", it is one of powerful tools through which or from which reduced the voltage inexorable reality in "normal" life.

It's this last economy (in the sense of spending), which is important because in many cases studied we deal with a very large effort by the body to keep his feelings.

Save up affections developed in situations and escapes the possibility of deep feelings with a joke.

It is to laugh without knowing why, seen in several cases of schizophrenia.

In his effort to explain the nature of humor, Freud concludes that the humorist attitude toward others is like the behavior of an adult against a child but an early mood situation, the person runs their humorists attitudes towards their itself in order to defend itself against displeasure.

That is, it is itself as a child, playing at the same time the top adult role before a child.

To understand this, we can not forget the ego's relationship relative to the super-ego, as formulated in the psychic apparatus of the scheme, Freud.

The super-ego, the highest strength of this apparatus, the holder of parental power (the ethical and moral principles), retains the ego marked dependence and treats it as parents treat children.

The humorous process can then be explained as an array of psychic accent ego the superego.

In this case the superego can be both tyrant strict father but also a kind and consoling mother, which is not new, given that many of our cultural ideals show different female imprintings, reverence shown the "Mother" in worship and ancient religions and the cult of "Madonna", appear to be another indication of the exterior projection in men mother's ideals.

In high stress situations the individual can not only be confronted by an omniscient father as a protective mother.

To Change is To Remember

Giving special attention to the processes of adaptation to change, Pollock (Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis) had the opportunity to observe the "get to Insight", its use and locking in people of different ages, including the elderly.

In the elderly (as well as children and some middle-aged adults) can be observed repeated themes in the narratives, stories and reminiscences communicated to the investigator.

These can be regarded as senile change of events or unsubstantiated fantasies. Even if these reminiscences do not belong to real events, all have meaning, which is of great importance for the understanding of these people, this age.

Pollock concludes that such repetitions may be important for the person in various ways, i.e., attempts to adapt, relational and communication attempts, self-therapy trials.

The collapse of the past expressed fantasies in reminiscences help us to maintain a sense of continuity between the past and the present and between the interior and exterior.

These counted reminiscences pass over time and maintain an individual personality sense, especially when you have an inner consciousness of an ego in "decadence", intact and competent.

It is a job where rename and-count is part of a self-healing process.

When the psychoanalyst researcher captures the content and context, and becomes aware of the meanings of consciousness in communications ,, these additional data allows the Insight in the present and past mental and emotional life of the person.

Again, the objectives of the remnants may be many, varied and complex.

It turns out that the reminiscence is a way to return to the past, especially the period of life which took place "things" nice.

Insight or Re-insight, can happen relatively quickly in the rediscovery of unresolved conflicts, the return of old patent defense and his repeated transference manifestations.

It is through these insights that can understand and work the past. As this is manifested in the present.

It is important to consider the fact that many people may have "had Insight" for aspects of their operation which had to disown for several reasons.

The psychoanalyst can facilitate the discovery of what was removed from consciousness - or perhaps it is unrecoverable than was buried but that has had and continues to have vital importance. But the discovery by itself is not sufficient for analyzing.


Insight is the many levels the creative principle of understanding the analyst of communications analyzing the psychological state of the analyst, the fit between the clinical and theoretical, even as a means to better delineate the own worldview and system of values. "If the Insight means discovery and inspiration (Kris, 1950, 1956), then the design, working" within "and further investigations are necessary complements to the consolidation of what we can get through this open doors to new realms of consciousness "

It might be-replace "Insight" with "creativity and achieve a new level of insight into this.

"Creativity is the synapse between what is known and common and accepted, and it was unknown until now, not ordinary and unexpected. It's what's between the environment and the inevitable. It is the guess made sure.

All that solves problems and difficulties is creative: a person who studies a question, or the cause of an apparent error, examines alternatives: consider even absurd and contradictory solutions and then, in a sort of prodigy, turns failure into success, doubt for sure, ignorance into knowledge.

Insight initially have this effect, but the resulting sleep ultimately will be deeper, soothing, more refreshing.

Insight : Relationship and change

The "psychic" changes will occur in the patient's psyche as a result of both labor (analyst and patient). Thus the phenomena of psychic change became a subject of great interest since the early psychoanalysis. It is up 2 big questions as to this kind of phenomena:

- What criteria will be used to evaluate the change and how these evaluation criteria may relate to the concept of structural change?

- The changes that the patient may be able to achieve due to will the Insight or the effects of a new relationship?

I believe that will be the two factors together, something responsible for phenomena of this kind, and that two of the effect supports a unique relationship to each.

Gera is thus a dialectical relationship between the Insight and the relationship.

Of the many complex processes that appear to be involved in the change, the majority can be considered both as effects on the insight as to who live a healthy relationship.

The traditional view is that affective and cognitive knowledge that the patient acquired her insight about himself, allowed him to do something about yourself, about your way of thinking and feeling, that is, to change.

Another alternative point of view relates to the fact that the ratio between the patient and his analyst may be as important as the Insight for the occurrence of changes.

On the viewpoint of the relationship, the combined efforts in working together with the analyst makes immersing the patient in a profoundly important interaction, in one empathy - only because it is unlikely for the patient to be involved in another ratio in which the primary aim of its partner is helping you to understand yourself; profoundly important for the crucial role that mutual understanding between father and son and later between analyst and patient and plays in development, there is nothing more vital.

The problem separating the exponents of these two views is not to realize that an understanding of relationship can not be maintained without proper insight on the dynamics of the relationship.

This is where comes the emphasis on interpretation of transference.

Unlike many other therapies that emphasize the need for an empathic relationship, or any other type of "good relationship", psychoanalysis stresses the need to understand all aspects of "what goes on between you and others.

More importantly, it allows both parties to continue to work constructively together, a process that according to Freud was destined to fail if the two partners were not committed to understand and unravel the hidden forces in their interactions.

Thus, Insight is crucial to the process of psychoanalysis change both for the well being of both as for their role in maintaining a relationship of understanding.

Insight is crucial towards a general understanding of himself.

The experience of expressing anger without the normal disastrous consequences, for example, helps the patient to "become more comfortable" or to become familiar with that your feeling.

The experience of being with someone who is constantly trying to understand it and wake you for understanding.

Finally, a particular type of Insight, which is the understanding (s) Dynamic (s) of this new relationship helps you realize what is happening to other people and probably of all, the most important type of Insight.

In short, the analyst and the patient entering a shared belief system that is part of the transfer regression.

The patient experience through the interpretation of the analyst the pleasurable effects that accompany the congruence and mutuality, as did the mother-child unit.

The analyzing is done trying to induce and maintain this will soon affective according to their congruence.

Here the analyst in a new belief system that came with the new knowledge. However, if the interpretations prove not adapt to the interior and exterior of the patient, will not regain a sense of security and restore a sense of omnipotent. If the interpretation is not accurate, it is rejected and the analyst is experienced as not satisfying.


Insight ais an important variable of personality: taking into account individual differences in the ability to understand the underlying causal factors or determinants of feelings, attitudes and behaviors. (Tolor (Fairfield University) and Reznikoff (Institute of Living) - 1960

Man needs measures to feel safe with you and your answers

Also the understanding of others and self can be "measured"

Test Insight (1960)

Among some variables deeply related to the Insight are: Repression-sensitization (Byrne Scale - 1961); Internal-External Control (Rotter Scale - 1966); Anguish of Death (Scale based on the work of Livingston and Zimet - 1965).

Other variables: Other studies:

In recent years has been observing an increase of interest in the "intrinsic", distinguished from the more "extrinsic" as easier for observation of personality processes, attempts to define processes as projection, empathy, insight, self acceptance and others, awareness of others and relationship with the perception of your self.

Rogers and his students explored the problem of self-perception, based on self-concept and its relationship with other variables - acceptance of others, feelings towards others, defensive behavior, etc., while Hildegard devotes his attention to self-concept.

Some conclusions of these studies indicate that individuals with greater self-acceptance capacity are those who do not have a higher level of self-insight and realistic perception of others.

"The insight can also be thought of as a product of the empathic process" Dymond.

Insight on being appears to be strongly related to the capacity to be out and look at the self from the point of view of others.

In order to see ourselves as others come to us, we need to structure the situation from the point of view of others and transpormos in to your thinking and feeling.

Insight on the other appears so also dependent on the ability we have of taking the role of others about us.

Those who have a low capacity for empathy are relatively rigid and introverts, subject to eddies of emotionality uncontrolled.

They seem a bit inefficient and unsuccessful in dealing with objective materials and interpersonal relationships. They are also people focused on themselves, and demanding in their emotional contacts or better, lone wolves who do well without establishing great relationships with the others.

Their emotional relationships established primarily within the family seem to have been so turbulent that feel they can not "afford" to invest their love in others because they need it all for themselves.

Do not rely on others, encapsulate it themselves and do not seem to be integrated in the best way in the world of reality.


ANNA FREUD, "Insight - Its Presence and Absence The Factor In Normal Develpoment" in The Writings of Anna Freud, Psychoanalytic Psychology of Normal Development, International Universities Press, Inc., New York, 1970, 1980

BRILL, A. A., "Unconscious Insight: Some of its Manifestations", in The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, WM Dawson & Sons, Ltd., London, 1953

BUSH, M., "Preliminary Considerations For the Psychoanalytic Theory of Insight", in The International Review the Psycho-Analysis, Vol. 5, San Francisco 1978

CRUZ, JUAREZ, "Insight on the Final Phase of Psychotherapy" in Analytic Psychotherapy (Theory and Practice)

LAING, R. D., "The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise," Publisher Voices, Petropolis 1978

LAING, R. D., "The Divided Self" Voices Publisher, Petrópolis, 1978

Mangham, C., "Insight Pleasurable Affects-Associated With Insight And Their Origins In Infancy", in The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, vol. 36, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1981

Article wirtten by Charlie777pt and Lu Ana

I will be Back the the Subject of Insight as the vortex of Human Evolution

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