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RE: Understanding schizophrenic people

in #psychology6 years ago

My friend recently told me a story that he went through a manic episode that the doctor said was schizophrenic i listen to it and I just thought about it and to me it sounded kinda far out but not so mental. I mean I get this impression that if our society wasn't the way it was we would have less schizophrenic that the pressure of so called normality puts a pressure on people that wow the brain starts doing some far out when we are children it's perfectly normal to pick up a telephone and talk to the imaginary persons, have disjointed speech and even hallucinate. Is because we are taught to surpress that inner child that eventually under times of stress it appears (well at least for my friend there father recently died and other traumas may have led to the episode,) I did also question this boundary between mental or normal, again society dictates that but if you saw someone having an episode at an electronic music festival u wouldn't think anything of it. I'm not trying to say that it's not disabling of course it is because, it doesn't work for our society, u need a job, u need to be stable and lucid. But I just don't think modern life have enough outlets for humans to connect with that natural instinct to go outside there body to go into a realm of make believe and fantasy, to let go of everything normal. I think Wikipedia also says men are more likely to have schizophrenia,,,,? Need to check that, anyway thanks for an informative article on a topic not talked about much


Is because we are taught to surpress that inner child that eventually under times of stress it appears

So individuals hearing voices and seeing people looking at them in the mirror is because their inner child is suppressed?

Either way. I do agree there might be more pressure than some people can deal with in today's society. And that can indeed somehow affect the mental and emotional well being of anyone.

well at least for my friend there father recently died and other traumas may have led to the episode

I can imagine having to go through such an intense experience was clearly something that could have caused his episode.

I did also question this boundary between mental or normal

It can be very simple, if a person suddenly sees 5 people looking at him in the mirror, I wouldn't call that very normal, don't you agree?

Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comment @celestialcow :)

Not sure everyone has those extreme hallucinations. Which I think u may have touched upon but I did read this in the middle of the night so I've forgotten. I used to see about 50 or more faces flying around the whole room when I was a small child, was I crazy or abnormal? No one took me to a doctor or check my diet or even questioned me more about it. I'd tell my parents and they just shrugged their shoulders. If I take an acid tab I'd also see multiple faces. Not trying to say these are the same things as what u highlighted here but we do not completely understand the inner workings of the mind. Tribal and ancient and native cultures some would get into trans like States of europhoria God knows how many faces they started seeing then. I'm just pondering if we were allowed more to get into these stated of being would having mental disorders like these be better or worse. I think they would be less apparent. Because we all need that mental escapism that we are not allowed in modern Western world

I think they would be less apparent

I have to agree with you on that.

But regarding kids seeing things, they tend to be constantly imagining new stuff which is actually good for them, that is why they play so much with their toys, it helps them develop their brain.

But once we are adults, constantly seeing faces that aren't there is quite the problem.

that we are not allowed in modern Western world

Not sure if they are not allowed, but clearly they are not promoted, that is a fact indeed.

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