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RE: ---- Women Abusing Men Is Normalized In Our Society ----

No his saying there should be no difference if its a man or women abuse is abuse. When a women gets abused everyone stands up for that women theres a big outcry but their are plenty of men who get abused and it doesn’t get the same outcry.
A female teacher has sex with a male student and his “lucky” when a male teacher has sex with a female student its looked at a different way.

Equality for men and women.

Im a straight man 31 yrs old, into sports like to drink occasionally etc.
I support women’s rights but we can not forget about the men who might be gay or feminine or whatever the case be.

Equality for all Women Men Gay Straight White Black Brown. Doesn’t matter people need to treat each other with kindness and respect make the world a better place. You can’t change the world we live in but you can change yourself and be an example for others.

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yeppers, thanks @californiacrypto you totally get it :) Woman, animal, man.... it makes no difference, abuse is abuse...

Crude analogy time:
If a person punches the crap out of a woman, a man and a puppy, the focus should not be which of the victims is most deserving of the abuse or who could handle it the best, it should be on preventing said abuse from continuing... and the only way to do so is to be informed and educated on what abuse is and refusing to tolerate it regardless of the semantics surrounding the setting, the victim or the abuser.

Good call on the perspective on sexual assault/rape of minors based on the sex of the victim and abuser.... again this example highlights the points being made in the article. Shattering these concepts and illusions is the beginning of truly understanding HOW the social constructs manipulate perspectives... and ultimately it can begin shifting the paradigm...

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