Sherlock Is Not A Psychopath!

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Nor do I believe he is a Sociopath.

Sherlock himself tell us that he is not a psychopath, but a high functioning sociopath. So what does that mean? I personally don't believe he is even a sociopath. This short clip explains why, and is from the longer video about Sociopaths as Types of Abusers.

This Bite Sized Clip is from the Types of Abusers: Sociopaths video, which follows the Types of Abusers: Psychopaths video, which can both be found alongside this video on YouTube (in the description).

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Sherlock is not a psychopath nor is he a sociopath.
Neither is Norman Bates.

It is all hollywood trying to fool the public, so that they cannot see who the bad guys are.

Psychopaths are, for the most part, very charming, and know just what to say. They act like they care. They are very good chameleons.

But, they do not have any warm empathy. They do not care if you live or die. They would shed no tears if you were to die, or any remorse if they were to kill you.

They plot, always plot. To gain power and control. They have no limit to how far they will go. They will lie to you, even if your life depended on it. They gaslight their quarry until the prey thinks they are the insane one.

And they occupy almost all positions of power in this country.

Well said!
They show themselves by their deeds, yet often behind the mask of a corporation.

Yup, exactly. The narcissist who abused me was also a secondary psychopath. It isn't just the Elite who are psychopaths. They love bomb us, live up to their illusons just enough, and then gaslight us, manipulate us, punish us, brainwash us, all in order to control us.

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