Green Healing - Empower Yourself and Be Emotionally Free (Abuse, PTSD, Healing)

in #psychology7 years ago

I gave a lot of thought into this and at first did not know how I wanted to share my knowledge and experience with the world. I want to share because I know it will help others, seeing as others have helped me through their sharing. For a long time, this was only a thought, a future project.


I've now begun work on Green Healing, which will being as Videos in podcast-style formats. Eventually, when I will be able to afford it, I will also have Audio podcasts, because I want this to be available to people in both formats.

Green Healing will focus on self-empowerment and knowledge, healing through knowledge and alternate and natural healing. I will of course be sharing everything I have learnt over the years regarding Abuse, types of abusers, PTSD/CPTSD and everything I have done and taken to heal, what has worked for me and what has not.

I made the logo myself. I have the larger one, with the slogan, and a smaller one that comprises just the orb and the name, Green Healing. I figured out how to create an orb in Photoshop, so I was able to so this myself.


I've also gone and added Green Healing to my list of registered names; Binky Productions and Binky Ink were already registered, and now they have Green Healing to accompany them at the Registre des Entreprises.

I chose the name Green Healing, not only because of green being my favourite colour and part of my personal brand, since I have green hair, but also because it is the colour associated with the Heart Chakra. It is the green energy of Healing, of the heart, and therefore Emotional Healing. The goal is after all to achieve Emotional Freedom.

Once I begin the actual episodes, I will be alternating more heavy and serious topics with lighter topics more of healing, so that there isn't a long series of heavy episodes before we get to the fun healing bits. I still need to write my notes and where to start and what to include in my first few episodes. There is so much I have learnt, so much I want to share, I need to redirect my thoughts in a productive manner, but at least it has begun.

I am still searching for my Audio platform, though I will probably go with SoundCloud, because they are the most trustworthy. However, I cannot afford it right now. This will not stop me from starting to share my knowledge, this will only delay the release of the Audio format episodes, but the videos will be available.

As my video format, I decided to go with Vidme. As a YouTuber, I know that gaming on there works for me, however, my How Video Games Helped videos have been demonetized. YouTube doesn't like us talking about Depression or Abuse. On Vidme, there are interesting ways to monetize and I only require 50 Followers to access them, which is way better than with YouTube. I know I could have gone with Dtube, but then Followers who wish to contribute with fiat or do not know or wish to join the Blockchain community would be left out. So Vidme seemed the best choice for me, for sharing, for monetizing, for including everyone, and for reaching a broad audience. Obviously, now I have to grow that audience.

I will be transferring some of the How Video Games Helped videos from YouTube to vidme in the weeks to come, since it will provide some background and some relevant content until I have some actual episodes to share, but please, if you're interested, go and follow me on Vidme. It will mean a lot to me.

Thanks everyone, I'll have more news about Green Healing soon. And don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to share / talk about, to let me know in the comments. I have an idea of what I want to talk about in my first few videos, but I can adjust and change things around if people need me to talk about other things as well. That way, I won't only be talking about what I feel is most relevant, but also what you want to hear and learn about. And like I said, my outline isn't complete yet, so there is still time for me to add to it ;)

Thanks again everyone. I hope to see you on the Green Healing channel :)

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