Everyday Reminders on the Pursuit to Happiness.

in #psychology7 years ago


I wrote the following out of frustration to bust out on day’s like these, and ugh, the word flow - writing is so personal. It’s a tad messy and ideas may spill into each other but the magic’s in the details. Everybody's in the never ending pursuit of happiness and while some may disagree, I feel these reminders help keep things in perspective, no matter where you live.

Keep your head straight.

Meditate if you must, whatever that means to you
This whole adult colouring book thing seems to be a hit, learn to paint, go on a hike, iron clothes, cook; anything that holds your focus and lets the mind run free. Allow your thoughts to wander and enjoy the moment. These things work for me, though my all time favourite is to dive when I am able.
Essentially, do what makes you feel good!
The idea here is that everyone is frustrated more than they’d like to admit, mainly when experiencing feelings of stagnation, guilt, and relationships. Especially stagnant relationships. Let it go. Things get old and things get heavy, let. it. go.

Material wealth is not wealth.

Possessions aren’t necessary and can only buy temporary fulfilment. It may seem other people are hitting more milestones than you are and it can be hard for you to be happy for them. Be happy anyway, know that what’s meant for you will never pass you. Also, stop the comparison. Your life journey and another person’s earth walk are two different experiences and none of your business. Your karma and another person’s karma are two different energy pools. Destinies aren’t the same, much like how no two persons are alike. Your job is to focus on nurturing and bettering your Self. What's yours will come.

Don't take it personal.

It’s difficult not to take things personally but, stop. It's not about you.
People go through experiences alone, maybe that person’s snippy because she got into an argument with a friend 5 minutes ago - no fault of yours. I find this impossible to do sometimes, but give people benefit of doubt, most probably don’t realize or can’t help them Selves. And it's not all bad.

Let bygones be bygones.

Drama from 10 years ago should stay there. It has no place in your present and there is no room in your future.
Every cell in the human body is replaced every 7 years, EVERY cell.
You are a whole new person!
You no longer carry those vibrations in your body, you should no longer carry it in your heart.

Leave people better than you found them.

I have a love/hate relationship with humans.
Being empathic, I understand the nightmares people become.
I also understand the power of being genuine.
Be a genuine person! Should you find yourself at odds, move away and wish love. No need for attitudes or high school behaviour, and if that’s the state of your consciousness, want to be better.

"How others treat you is their karma. How you react is yours."
~Wayne Dyer

This one my Mum uses to remind me when I get overwhelmed and it has changed my life.

Bitter pill to swallow, but accept that you will not always receive an apology that is due to you, and that's alright. An apology doesn't validate the wrong, the truth is a powerful thing and sometimes it takes pure strength to move on from people, environments and situations that no longer honour you. Always remember **you teach people how to treat you**.

Be nice to the meanest people you know. The ones who don’t care for hurt feelings or accountability, especially those who act out of jealousy. When people throw your goodness in your face, smile and be grateful you’re not them. Now you know who you don’t want to be. Happy people don’t hurt people.

  • Also, you don't always have to take the “high road”. If a person's behaviour is unacceptable and toxic, by all means, make your peace and leave the situation. Ignore if you must. You're an understanding person, not a doormat. You have your limits.
  • Something Mary Angelou said on Oprah’s LifeClass back in 97’, "when people show you who they are the first time, believe it." I made excuses for so many people in the past, then I made excuses for my excuses. People have patterns, observe. Understand that not everyone deserves your empathy. Watch the LifeClass snippet here .

Kindess isn't weakness.

It is okay to smile back, it is okay to be kind and it is okay to be nice. It is okay to feel for people (especially the horrible ones, they need it most). Being a compassionate person is not a bad thing. Reconsider anyone who tells you otherwise. You aren’t living to placate your egos (or anyone else's). It is also okay to be happy for no reason and it is okay to be happy for someone else. It doesn’t take away from your happiness. In fact, you’ll see how being happy for others increases your level of happiness.

Have courage, dear heart.

Don't let the actions of others change your heart. This gets hard but is so rewarding!
The world is a beautiful place, yet we are plagued by man-made problems and it is easy to forget ourselves. Don’t lose yourself to the virulence and callousness of today’s world. Keep your childlike delight! You weren’t meant to live hurt, angry, stressed and worried. Be kind to those who are unkind, bless the people and circumstances that curse you. Always do the right thing no matter how hard. You sleep and breathe better. There are days (like today) where this becomes a quest but have courage, dear heart.

"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know."
~Pema Chodron
Learn the lesson. Do you see a recurring pattern? What has this experience taught you? How have you grown? Acknowledge the feelings and release them so you can level up.

Life lessons that ring true.
Still learning.


"Material wealth is not wealth." Finally. Someone else who gets it. And followed you as well.

right?! just one of the many things plaguing society. and thank you!

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