Ways to workout your willpower.

in #psychology6 years ago

A person should be strong not only externally but also internally. And what is the inner strength of man, if not his will? In this article I want to talk about what the will is needed and what are the ways of its training.


Will is the ability of a person to consciously control his actions and emotions, to neglect lower values in favor of higher ones, to create his own system of values. Considering the strong-willed potential of a person, it is safe to say that its basis consists of two components: the goal and efforts aimed at achieving it. It is for this reason that the motivation of a person to train his willpower is very important in this matter. Each person will have a different motivation, but the most common reasons are:

— Self-assessment improvement
— Achieving high performance
— Status and respect of others
— Gaining control of your life
— Success with the opposite sex
— Getting rid of bad habits
— Improving your own organization
— Increase of stress resistance and own competitiveness
— Improvement of mood and well-being
— Improving communication skills

These are the main reasons why people begin to train their willpower. But, as already mentioned, you can have your own motives. Everything else, it is important to understand once and for all that the will lends itself to training, because it is a kind of psychological muscle of a person. This means that at the appropriate loads it will grow and become stronger. What should be done for this?

The answer to this question can be due to the fact that currently a huge number of scientists around the world are conducting a variety of studies on this issue. And on the basis of their results, certain strategies and techniques have already been created that allow a person to strengthen his willpower and make it stronger. Below we will look at some of these exercises.

Special diet

This exercise involves the observance of a special diet, including 4-5 meals a day. There is a need to moderately but regularly, to avoid any feelings of hunger. This allows you to maintain the optimal functioning of your body, eliminates the habit of eating low-quality food when you have to and constantly reminds you that you train your willpower. But keep in mind that this diet should consist exclusively of natural and high-quality products. Very useful here will have alternative concepts of nutrition, such as vegetarianism, raw food.

Changing habits

Each person certainly has any bad habits that would not hurt to get rid of. Therefore, for the training of will power is perfect to fight these habits. You can quit Smoking, stop drinking beer on weekends, say "no" to fast food. Analyze your inclinations and habits, find something that is worth giving up and do it in the shortest possible time.

The use of temptation

This exercise is quite radical, but great for those who have decided to take up their willpower in full. The point of the exercise is that if you, for example, decided to quit Smoking, you should always have a pack of cigarettes, which can be used at any time. But as much as you do not want to do it, you do not in any case should not. Please note that your temptation should be present in its natural form, i.e. no empty packs, pictures of people smoking.


Muscle tension

Scientists from Singapore have identified one very interesting relationship: with the tension of the muscles of the body is activated and willpower. Applying this knowledge is very simple: when you feel some temptation or, on the contrary, can not do something, and you realize that your willpower is not strong enough, strain any muscles: strongly clench your fists, strain your bicep or press. Dealing with temptation or inaction will immediately become easier. A regular product of such manipulations forms a stable relationship between your mind and body – over time, in order to maximize your willpower, you will only need to perform the usual action.

Good deed

Another interesting technique. It is advised to use scientists from Harvard. They believe that willpower strengthens charity. First, it motivates you to do something to your own detriment (to give part of your earnings, to share food with the homeless, etc.), which is often not very pleasant. And, secondly, doing good deeds will serve as an incentive not to do what you might later regret.

Switching attention

This exercise is the opposite of the use of temptation. Here, at any time when you feel that you are overcome by an irrepressible desire to do something (talk again about bad habits) or, for example, instead of an important matter to do something meaningless, you need to instantly switch your attention to another activity that is radically different from what you would like to do. After some time, this desire will disappear, because your brain and attention will be busy with a completely different job.


Creating new habits

This exercise allows you to form new positive habits. The fact is that habit is an action that is performed unconsciously. But in order to form a habit, you need some time to perform this action purposefully. This involves your attention, and also makes you follow the decision, even in cases where you do not want to follow it. You can start with the simplest: start washing dishes with your left hand, clean the keys to the house strictly in a certain place, every time after a meal, brush your teeth, etc. Although it is not important what you do, and what you do it no matter what and always remember about it.

Sleep mode

Start to stick to a certain sleep mode. For example, go to bed no later than 12 hours and get up no later than 6 am. This will teach you to be more disciplined and responsible person, will motivate to perform all the tasks in a strictly specified time, wean from delaying important things for later. In addition, the early rise is an excellent means of developing willpower, because this is the action that you do not want to do in the morning more than anything else.

Communication control

Also this exercise is called "strong-willed communication". It is quite simple to perform: in the process of interaction with other people, try to always keep your emotions, everything you say, your facial expressions and gestures under control. You need to ensure that absolutely all of your manifestations could be manifested or not manifested only by your willful effort. Keep in mind that it is much more difficult to remember that you need to stick to strong-willed communication. To always remember this, come up with a special reminder for yourself – something that will attract your attention and make you remember. For example, a cross-drawn with a pen on his hand, some ridiculous thing in his pocket.

Destruction of laziness

Another powerful way to train willpower. It lies in the fact that if you have some things that do not want to do, you need to start their implementation immediately, without putting off a minute for later. Do not want to walk with the dog – go and walk, do not want to prepare a report – sit down and cook, there is no desire to go for a run — put on a sports uniform, sneakers and go! The great advantage of this exercise is that in addition to training willpower, it will increase your personal productivity, as well as increase the amount of free time.


All these exercises are quite simple to perform. But people often make one serious mistake, which in 2-3 days reduces all their initiatives to zero – they take everything at once. Here the man took the decision to train his will power and decided: "I Will get up at 6 am, stop Smoking, going to tie his shoes with his left hand, fold the second towel in the locker below, and more will every day to go to Church and donate 50 rubles and will always be conscious" and so on and so forth. So do not need to, because. all this, first, will mix in a heap and will create confusion in the head and, secondly, it is too big effort over itself and the will to sustain which not everyone is ready. Therefore, it is recommended to perform all the exercises consistently: choose one, maximum-two, and began to practice gradually. A month has passed-we took up another exercise. The result may not be felt immediately, but your progress will be stable, and the will is strong and strong. Looking at yourself in a year, you will see a huge difference between a "past" and a "present".

Train your will systematically and regularly, without postponing anything for later. Be ready for what you will find a serious and hard work on yourself. And in this work every detail is important. And remember another very good rule: first you work on your will, then your will will work for you!

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This is something I have done over the many years since I became an adult. Slowly there were bad habits I noticed and changed to benefit me and my willpower. I always try do good deeds which can involve just being supportive and giving advice to friends etc when they need it. Stronger willpower is something that helped me at times to break away from a depression day and be a little more constructive than I would have been.

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