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RE: Twitter is Fucked.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I wrote another comment at ESR’s blog:

I'm conservative and originally from the Deep South, so I'm sincerely contemplating how I could rationally get onboard this "you can take my gun from my cold dead hand" patriotism. I owned and learned to shoot accurately a BB rifle before I became a teenager.

Given a choice, I prefer not to live in a society such as Israel that is essentially in a perpetual state of soft martial law, wherein I'd be required to diligently maintain proximity and scurry down under to the nearest bomb shelter within minutes of the incoming ballistics alarm sounding; and all public gathering places necessarily becoming fortresses to protect against psychotic/suicidal/ideological shooters and bombers. I empathize with Israel's Six-Day War military action in 1967 to expand their territory to a small buffer zone, although that doesn't mean I'm taking a position now on the biblical-scale (and if conspiracy theories aren't delusional then some elite concocted false flag incorporated into WW2) history and whether carving out a country[cultural war] in the middle of cultural enemies is/was the only option. Tangentially on conspiracy theories (since someone mentioned that the shooting was perpetrated by a wealthy white man) I recently stumbled on what appears to my untrained appraisal (although I didn't analyze other than a quick cursory read) to be a sober private investigator's analysis of the Las Vegas shooting emphasizing inconsistencies in Jesus Campos's story. Maybe y'all can debunk it? That recent coroners report that established the time of death at 14 hours after the shooter died is not apparently the crux of the analysis although in his view raises additional red flags:*

I'm contemplating a deeper issue w.r.t. to my prior set of as of yet unanswered questions. Recalling what the notorious "Jim of Jim's blog" (formerly James A. Donald who btw readers may verify was the first to respond when "we" announced Bitcoin on the mailing list) wrote recently on his blog that as paraphrased claimed that the social/cultural/religion contract between the true alpha elite and the betas is that betas fight on behalf of the alphas in return for a K strategy dominion over his personal property of wife, children, and family. It seems for men to sustainably fight for and organize a society, requires a religious purpose/contract, notwithstanding how rotten/stagnant/detached that may be from the increased degrees-of-freedom of visceral mysticism. A biological model demonstrated that too much decentralization loses information necessary for organized survival. I'm interested to share my theory on the relationship of the social organization issue to Bitcoin's purpose, if there's any uptake of my comments. Otherwise I'll not spam. Thank you.

the fact that you think it’s a viable solution is really emblematic of how hermetic your echo chamber is

Yet as Jordan Peterson points out in his video on the introduction to the psychological analysis of the Bible (ask if you need a link), Friedrich Nietzsche had correctly predicted in the late 1800s that the left unbridled (with only visceral mysticism and) without religion would swing between extremes of nihilism and ideology and has opted for a R reproduction strategy and to what sort of chaos and megadeath does that lead to?

Damned facts.

P.S. Eric regarding the medication pilots use for concentration: my best friend, running partner, and my co-captain Blaine Holman of our high school track team was a Lt. Colonel before he suddenly died of brain cancer in 2009 in his 40s (my father had arranged from a Congressman the necessary recommendation letter required at that time to enter the prestigious USAF academy). Anecdotal, yet I don't presume (because I can't know if) the elite necessarily compute costs and profits at the layer of the onion we might presume would be rational at that layer. And I'm very skeptical of lies that can be created with selective statistics and confirmation bias. My extreme caution (paranoia?) is I guess is prudent and apposite for my circumstances given my sporadic history of susceptible neurochemistry.

And another:

Yet we as parents are innately driven to provide the best and safest environment for our kids. So statistics won’t deter the upper middle-class from self-segregating away from unsafe communities that require teachers to be armed. We want a safe perimeter buffer zone and not to live in a war zone.

The rate of immigration of the poorest and most uneducated has exceeded the rate at which assimilation could maintain the American culture of peace and openness. Our gun rights are not for admitting war zones into our daily lives, but for replenishing the tree of liberty when the society-at-large is threatened by an extricable threat. The spiraling out-of-control cultural devolution/war appears to be inextricable.

Thus within the next few decades or sooner, the USA will fracture into separate societies. And the strongest of those societies will not be those with a liberal bias, because that bias spirals into the mess we have now. Nor will the strongest societies be formed around those extremist racists who ignore the inexorable trend of entropy to maximum. Men fight and organize to maintain their personal property which includes their dominion over family and to live in a harmonious, efficient society.

I agree with Eric that the rate of immigration should be more on the order of 1% per year and more of the brightest not the most uneducated. But I think we’ve probably already crossed the point of critical mass and it’s too late to avoid separatism. Britain doesn’t have a border with Mexico. They didn’t need to import slaves to produce the cotton they needed for their clothing factories. IOW, I’m all for diversity via separate societies and assimilation between them to seed the eventual harmony of the human specifies at-large.

Is anyone interested to know Bitcoin’s posited role in this posited future?


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