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RE: How Our Fear and Outrage Are Being Sold for Profit - And What It Is Doing To Our Minds

in #psychology7 years ago

My flag has little impact on this site, but I think that you monetizing another author's content is wrong and should not be allowed to continue in our community. You've not said anything about the author's permission to monetize their works or if you're giving the money generated to the author.

The information may be pertinent, but it is not original coming from you.


I was waiting to see who was going to share their first bitter comment and flag.

First of all, Im new here and this article took me 30 minutes to post. I had to learn how to format and so I actually did work in order to make it easily accessible to this community. Do you really have a problem with me making a few dollars for scoping out some amazing content from OUT SIDE and doing the work to make it part of our community? Are you here to "save the artists"? Oh please.

There are people all over steemit sharing work that isnt their own, like youtube clips, movies trailers and even porn. Whos going to fight for the pornstars? You?

Not everyone here is going to create original content, but sometimes they will bring content that is valuable, that our community would not see otherwise, and some people choose to be thankful, giving a few pennies of their votes for it. I shared an obscure article that was amazing. Even though I didnt write it, Its CULTIVATION here is due to me, and if we can make money with curation of OTHERS WORK WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EFFORT OF OUR OWN, even timing our upvotes right in order to maximize our gain and TAKE FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, I see no problem in actually getting paid when I not only did the work of discovering it, but also took the pain to format it and share it here, where no one would have seen it otherwise.

Just because you had to learn to format the article does not mean that you put in the work to create the content and deserve the benefits of being the author.

You did not even write up a review of the article, you simply formatted the article in its entirety just to fit Steemit.

Have you informed the author that you are currently making money off of his content?

If you want to cultivate quality work like such then perhaps try to influence the original author into signing up for Steemit and posting their work.

I do not agree with people simply posting youtube clips or photos or anything that isn't original content with just the posting. I've seen reviews and such which contain content that is not original, but there is more to the content than just a minute introduction. However, I am not out seeking content to flag, and you can check the block history all you want to check for certain. Someone had shared your post and I checked it out and disagree that non-original content should be shared without the original author's permission. Nor can you argue that nobody here would ever see the content without your capability of sharing it here, that is logically unknowable.

My flag is coming from an author of purely original content and from the stance that you should be contacting the original author for permission and showing evidence of such.

Im sorry, but I already destroyed these arguments.

Congratulations on your post full of rhetorical fallacies.

Be well, plagiarist.

By definition, what I did here was not plagiarism. I gave credit and enormous appreciation to the author.

You dont want to debate with me. Take your salty ass somewhere else.