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RE: Why a 30 year old Son is Uncomfortable on Mother's Day

in #psychology6 years ago

Dude, what I'm seeing is you being stressed about not being/feeling like the hallmark commercials tell you you should. Manufactured holidays are fucking stupid. They're part of our dystopian, capitalistic system. But, I digress...

I don't know about your reasoning, but if I don't disable part of my brain when I'm around my mother, I will start flipping out when she starts talking about creationism, superstition, wildly inaccurate portrayals of other cultures, what's wrong with things/people today, and just all around total nonsense. Do you know what my religion is? It's the Truth. Her existence is a fine example of the Truth, but her beliefs and how she arrived at them are an affront to it. It only starts to make sense when you think about things in the context of the purpose they serve and that people are slightly improved(debatably) monkeys.

Anyway, It's ok to not have a storybook relationship with family. If you feel the need to go home for the holidays, that's why we have booze. Drop the guilt, pick up a 6 pack, and say to yourself slowly and deliberately, 'everything's gonna be all right.'


I agree. I like to think of these holidays as commercial ploy to get people to buy stuff for their family members. Your parents shouldn't expect a gift from you, since they should already know that you love them.

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