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RE: The day I met a 'Super Psychic' child with Drunvalo Melchizedek ... and had my mind blown! A True Story with a movie as proof!

in #psychic7 years ago

I don't know @eco-alex - I'm skeptical. Of course, I wasn't there as you were, so if you had a real strong feeling that she is absolutely genuine - and not the sort of sideshow spirit-seeing-clairvoyant-mystic that have been doing the rounds of fairgrounds and gypsy caravans for centuries - then I'll take your word for it.
There are a lot of mysterious things in the world and I'm sure that if we could access 100% of our natural abilities, then we would be capable of undreamed of miracles. I have also heard of many examples from people I have no reason to doubt, so I remain open minded.

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