
All bigotry sucks. It is mostly used to divide us. The media seems to intentionally do all they can to stir it up. You see anyone (yes anyone) being treated with racism is bad. The problem is the solution people tend to come up with is to instead be racist to the "race" that the person that was acting racist came from. Which means the solution is racism as well.

As long as we consider ourselves any RACE and identify as a RACE other than the Human Race we likely will always have racism. It'll just alternate as to which race it is politically correct to name call and bash, and which one it is not.

Racism committed by individuals (which includes cops) is a form of bigotry. It needs to be dealt with. Yet the people that DO it are the ones that need to be punished, not an entire group of people because of that ignorant asses behavior. Otherwise those doing the punishing are no better.

The media could be used for good and could heal many of these wounds. They seem more interested in doing exactly the opposite. Pay attention next time you watch the news I think you may start to see it as well. It is like kicking the ant hill.

Well maybe we can't find a solution until people who don't know the same pain stop getting so sensitive about stuff.

It really needs critical thinking and logic taught at an early ages in schools, which it is almost not taught at all. Without this it can be very easy to be lead by our emotions and our imagination rather than facts.

Though this is also a useful tool. Divide and conquer. If they keep us fighting each other over race, religion, gender, sexual preference, etc then it makes it easier for them to manipulate us, and to distract us while they are passing laws that WE THE PEOPLE would not approve of if we were not so busy attacking each other over bigotry related things.

Yeah Trump isn't like Hitler 'cause he aint can't actually do the stuff he says he was gunna to do.

Oh wait, didn't people thunk Hitler weren't actually gunna to do the stuff he did to the Jews? And the Gays! Thank God for Jews and Gays! Especially gay-jews. There the best. Trump isnt gunna hurt noone like Hitler did

I don't know what Trump might do. In fact, Hillary was way closer to Hitler than Trump. Hitler was charismatic and an amazing speaker. He was also considered an intellectual.

He was actually well liked initially...

We know how that turned out...

Yet even that is history edited. Stalin killed more innocents than Hitler did in the Holocaust and so did Mao. Yet they were both on our side during that war so they get a pass. (/sarcasm)

What about the marginalized communities that are too small to be heard when WE THE PEOPLE are so united as one uniform body?

I'm an anarchist. I don't believe in democracy.

I believe as long as you are harming no one that I shouldn't have the right to tell you how to live.

I believe as long as you are harming no one that one billion people should not be able to tell you how to live.

The majority deciding something does not mean that decision is GOOD, JUST, or FAIR. It simply means more people wanted it that way.

There is a great Lysander Spooner quote that sums it up...

Have you experienced racism? What's your story? Can you tell it without taking away from someone else's?


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