PROSTATE CANCER-----EVERY MAN'S FEAR!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #prostate7 years ago

Dear readers welcome to my page . I have chosen PROSTATE CANCER as a topic because it is giving me concern.It has killed two men in a family nearby and a third one is down , diagnosed and sick with prostate cancer as well. So i got interested in finding the cause and how it can be prevented. This post is majorly for men but women can still benefit by passing the message to their fathers, brothers and husbands.

Prostate cancer is the cancer of the prostate gland. Prostate gland is a gland in men which is like the size of walnut. The prostrate is found just below the bladder, around the urethra which takes urine from the bladder and goes out through the male sex organ.The prostate acts as a valve for directing the flow of sperm also.

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Enlarged prostate causes prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostate problems goes with ageing. As a man ages, there is likelihood of him getting the prostate symptoms and problems.Prostate problems begin when a man reaches the age of fifty(50). Are you fifty already, are you approaching fifty, what signs should you watch out for?

For some, it may not get up to fifty years before it begins to manifest just as menstrual cycle and menopause in women varies from person to person. Below are the symptoms you need to watch out for and immediately you notice any of them, quickly take action.


  1. Inability to urinate
  2. feeling of pain when urinating
    3.feeling like urinating always
    4.feeling that your bladder is not completely empty after urinating
    5.pain in the abdomen
    6.urinary tract infection
    7.sudden impotence
    8.if you find blood in your urine
    9.if little urine comes out of you soon after urinating, or when you cough, sneeze or laugh.

Have you noticed any of the above signs, its not late to take action now but first take a look at the causes.

The main cause is not easy to ascertain however likely causes of it include the following:
1 Ageing-- If a man is above forty years old (2). Heredity--If it runs in a man's family.
3 If your close relative suffered from breast cancer
4.If your food is rich in fats
5.If you are obsessed(Over weight)

It depends on your age and how far into the body the prostate cancer has spread.
However, there are herbal products which help to prevent some of these symptoms such as pain or difficulty in urinating and urinating always.These products also help to improve how blood circulates and prevents growth of Microorganism in the prostate. An example is shown below , produced by GreenWorld

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Most importantly, however, is for you to visit a doctor when you see any of the above symptoms, he/she will help you monitor and ensure the situations doesn't go out of hand.

Thanks for reading, kindly up vote and share your comment


Men should also avoid tight underwear It impacts circulation around the groin and heats it up a bit.The groin has an optimal temperature of about 33 degrees. Pants is a no for men. Men should wear breathable underwears thanks for this educative piece

Hmmm, I payed attention throughout maybe because I'm a man, this health information is very crucial for men, thanks to God for roots and herbs that he provided for such illnesses.

Thanks for sharing this information as a reminder for families over health checkups.

Thanks for this vital info..
How i wish most men can come across this.
Kudos to you

Very informative. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for this elaborate information about prostrate issue. Good work

very informative. thanks for making it so simple to asimulate

Fear catch me! Thanks for this informative piece. The points highlighted under symptoms would do for many of us.

Nice one dear...

Thanks for sharing this very informative and educative post. To the men, "a stitch in time saves nine".

Our men should read this to be fore warned

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