The Internet Property Guru

in #property7 years ago

You know the type.

Draped over a flash car, wearing sunglasses and a suit in his/her facebook profile picture.

He sets up groups left right and centre on social network sites and invites you to them to "teach you how property should be done properly." He talks about the power of networking and how he is THE expert on lease options/ buying below market value/ social network marketing.

The guru may even have set up a facebook fan page, about themselves!

There are so many gurus on absolutely everything on social media now, that it is completely ridiculous. I will let you into a little secret. If someone is setting a fan page up about themselves, and draping themselves on a flash car to show you how successful they are, they probably aren't. And if they are, then the only reason they are doing it is to sell you something down the line. It might be way, way , way down the line. But you wait, it will come eventually.

There are a few genuine experts out there. But as a rule they aren't out there actively marketing themselves with hundreds of facebook groups etc. A general rule of thumb is this:

➜ If you are searching them out and adding them as a contact, you are wanting their advice or knowledge.

➜ If they are adding you and inviting you to all and sundry, networking events, groups, events, fan pages, then they are the ones seeking you out. They want you, not for your knowledge, but for your money.

➜ A lot of these people will try to sell you all kinds of courses on the latest big thing. One week they are the internet guru on buying below market value, the next lease options, the next social marketing for your business.

➜If you are going to take advice from anyone, please make sure they have the credentials to back it up. There are so many chancers out there, that it is hard to separate them all at times. A quick google search about the person should give you a bit of an indication.

➜ And if they start writing about how wonderful everyday is, and gushing about how blessed we all are and how abundant the universe is are then get the hell away sharpish. They may true to sell you something worse than an e-book or investment course.Salvation.

➜ And who the hell wants that sold to them via facebook.

I have found that you can find out an awful lot by just asking around. You don't necessarily need to pay hundreds of pounds for courses etc. There is often somehow out there happy to just tell you about what you want to know! Try looking online for other blogs and property forums.

It's all about staying safe online these days after all!

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