The Australian Real Estate Collapse

in #property6 years ago

NEW VIDEO!! The Australian Real Estate Collapse!

18 months ago I correctly called the top of the Sydney real estate market. I lost count of how many people I told to sell their property or to not buy right now. I don’t think a single person listened to me. Because I had a contrarian view, against the crowd.

“Observe the masses and do the opposite” is one phrase I go by when determining a good investment. This has helped me call the top of the U.S. stock market one day before the exact top in Jan 2018, in addition to the bullishness of cryptocurrencies BEFORE anyone knew about them a couple of years ago.

Now the Sydney real estate market is down 7.5% in the last 12 months, prompting “experts” to attempt to call the bottom. Little do they know that we’re only just getting started. Interest rates are still at record lows.

In this video I analyse:

  • how the financial system works and what caused the multi decade bull market.
  • why this makes a collapse built into the system.
  • central bank intervention and the disasterous consequences.
  • the interest-only reset.
  • why interest rates have to rise.
  • what happens when interest rates rise; and
  • the reaction from the central planners in the aftermath.

This video has been a long time in the making, it took me hundreds of hours to make and thousands of hours of study in the last few years. You will not find a more comprehensive video on why and how the Australian property market will collapse, and what the aftermath will look like.

Share this video with everybody you know, it’s that important. Subscribe to my Youtube channel, Mission Anarchy.

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