Why People Keep Missing the Point About Benghazi

in #propaganda7 years ago (edited)


Many people (especially the media) are quick to dismiss the September 11th, 2012 Benghazi attack on two United States government facilities by terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia as nothing more than an unfair political attack on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

On face value, this can easily seem like the case, especially since most of her political opponents continue to attack her instead of really getting at the heart of the issue.

Most people who accuse Clinton of wrongdoing, blame her for an inadequate response to the safety of those stationed in Benghazi. Others are irritated that the State Department appeared to cover up a coordinated terrorist attack by passing it off as simply a spontaneous protest triggered by an anti-Muslim video called Innocence of Muslims.

The fact that Clinton destroyed her emails fuels the criticism levied against her. But what exactly was she hiding?

The real question we need to ask ourselves is: Why was the U.S. involved in Libya to begin with?

The scary truth is that the United States government had already been responsible for the toppling of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi due to Gaddafi's push to sell African oil in gold-backed dinars instead of U.S. dollars.

Don't believe me? Check out this article from The American Way titled "Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar":


The U.S. accomplished removing Gaddafi, in many respects, by arming terrorist groups like Ansar Al-Sharia that opposed Gaddafi. But unfortunately for the Americans stationed in Benghazi that terrible night, they became victims of a U.S. arms deal gone wrong.

This is the very same thing the U.S. was doing in Syria when it supplied weapons to ISIS to fight Bashar-al Assad. Libya was a continuation of this policy. The theory was that the U.S. would topple Gaddafi and Assad indirectly by arming those who oppose them. Weapons provided in the Libyan conflict would eventually make their way to the Syrian conflict. This way, U.S. involvement in regime change would be "off the books".


The deliberate arming of terrorist groups for the purpose of maintaining Petrodollar hegemony should be the real criticism levied the State Department. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of this hidden agenda of the U.S. government.

NOTE: Not sure what the Petrodollar is? Click here to find out:


Another reason was for the Gold Heist like what was done in the Ukraine

I think only a few people like you and I really understand and connect the dots. Most are in a geo political "zombie state" just drinking Bud Light and watching American Idol. I am not sure if most of the societies will make it. For there to be real change, the general population would need to gain more knowledge, awareness and actual care enough to demand change. I wonder if that is even possible. What do you think. I do not mean to be negative but when I talk to people in the community, no one really cares or can even point to Libya on a map.

It is easy to become pessimistic about everything that is going on. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one noticing what's really occurring, but it is uplifting to find one person who thinks alike. I am grateful that there are a few people in this world, like yourself, who are vigilant. One day, we will no longer be talking to ourselves.

I sure hope so. Yes, it is hopeful when I meet someone such as yourself. I gives me hope! Funny, I used lots of hopes in this reply (lol)

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