Planned-opolis and 3 other senarios (Agenda 2030 programming)

in #propaganda6 years ago

Welcome to your New World Order programming!
Here I edited together all four videos made by "Forum for the future" Where in these videos they show you four possible scenarios of your future enslavement in the megacity. Planned-opolis, Communi-city, Sprawl-ville and Renew-abad.

The their future they have for us their such things as food credits, food rationing, carless society, AI controlled smart grid, etc.

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Man this video is a classic. I like how they try to pass up Plannedopolis like it is the best outcome xD...

Are they deluded, deranged or both? I'm still trying to work it out :)

Both. They really believe in their own madness.

Good afternoon, very interesting, I would like us to help mutually, I hope you take into account my humble comment a saud from Venezuela

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