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RE: 1% lifetime referral reward on Steemit - does that sounds good in your ears? Suggestion for the DEVs and the witnesses - implement this please! Then we will make known to every person on this planet in no time!

in #promotion8 years ago

@lasseehlers it's interesting that you call steemit anarcho-capitalistic,because anarcho capitalism is just the worst ideology ever,it's so wrong on all levels that I don't know where to even start.And the domination of an-caps and libertairans on this platform is one of the things that sometimes makes me wonder if I should quit Steemit.
Anarcho-capitalism is just more of all that is wrong with the world,letting money and profits be the deciding factors in our lives. We are already approaching a state of corporate oligarchy,and please don't say that we live in socialist society like all the other an-caps. We need a society that is ruled by positive values,humanitarian and ecological values,not this free market hedonistic mysticism
.Anarcho-capitalism is an ideology which most people are unfamiliar with,and of those who are familiar with it,most of us rightfully detest it.


Ok @kooshikoo... thanks for your comment..

If you don't like Anarcho Capitalism, you have no business on Steemit!...

But on the other side, you should be a true Anarcho Capitalist... as that is the most peaceful philosophy of human society ever!

Please "educate yourself"... and as I said Steemit is truly Anarcho capitalistic... so if you don't believe in that, go back to facebook, ok!.. :)

Your comment is so indicative of the peacuful nature of anarcho-capitalism!Thanks,good sir!Yes I will go back to facebook now,and let you and your fellow an-caps rule steemit and the world.And you can privatize everything,including the water,in a voluntary fashion,it will be marvelous!! I will go read a book by Ayn rand now,and do some an-cap free market chanting in the local an-cap church.

He... you are just an anarchistic socialist or anarchistic communist, that still got your gov indoctrination in you,. from the school you been in, the society and your family... don't worry and don't take it as an offense, I was like you ones... one day you will come back here and thank me :)

THat is one of the most misguided and arrogant statements I have ever heard.I'm a communalist,look it up.And not a fan of governments at all.Your condescending tone and misguided arrogance means that this discussion is futile.Over and out.

I looked it up: "Communalism usually refers to a system that integrates communal ownership and federations of highly localised independent communities. A prominent libertarian socialist, Murray Bookchin defines the Communalism (capital C) he developed as "a theory of government or a system of government in which independent communes participate in a federation", as well as "the principles and practice of communal ownership".[1][2]"

I do not believe in any government and I believe in Anarchy... so yes I am an Anacho Capitalist ... anyway interesting discussion today in this post. Thank you.


@lasseehlers, You misinterpreted the word government in that context,try to read it as voluntary communal governance,and you start to get the picture.And yes,I'm a big fan of Bookchin,you shoud read his books,and learn about the kind of anarchism that respects the integrity and value of humans,animals and the whole ecosystem,as well as being a post scarcity philosophy.Of course,in this system there is no place for property rights by private entities,instead property is controlled locally,in a direct democratic system,without any autorities,where everyone has a vote.THis has nothing at all to do with your view of government.I don't like governments either,but there is a role for governments still, ina very limited sense they can still counteract corporate power and abuse,although now they are mostly conntrolled by corporate interests,with their lobbyists,and completely dependent on the global capitalism.To some limited extent they provide the general public with some ability to influence matters,whereas the decisions of corporations are totally out of reach for normal people.
How would people have influence in a world where property rights are a guiding principle?

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