My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge: Lagos-FavoursteemCreated with Sketch.

If there's anything Lagos is known for, it's the constant Hustle and Bustle.
image source
Lagos is the city that never sleeps and it's the city that is never slow...
Everyone is rushing, no one has your time. It's scary. Things get stolen and broken so so so easily.

The first time I was in Lagos, three terrible things happened,

  1. My Mum's phone was stolen
  2. My phone fell into the sea at Elegushi Beach 1 week later
  3. For the first time, a vehicle splashed water on me.

The three above and the fact that I missed my way many times and got late more times where enough } to detest going to Lagos but sometimes, Lagos is the only option.

My last trip to Lagos was Remarkable...
It changed my mind about the horror-terror-Lagos
I traveled to Lagos January 3rd,the trip was memorable, and I mean that in every sense of it. The love and care that I witnessed all around was like I hadn't ever seen especially not in Lagos 😂.
When I got to Lagos it seemed like so many memories were crashing into me, it was like wave upon wave and the fear of it all was almost coming on me.
Now, back to the love & care stories. It started at the Ondo Garage, I was almost the last person to complete the bus and there wasn't space in the booth for my box. The conductor told me to wait for the next bus (and you know how it feels to be the first in the bus, having to wait for the bus to get filled ).
Well, I didn't listen to his advice, and miraculously, I got another offer ☺. A man who had paid for an extra seat for his luggage told the conductor to add mine. Adding my luggage made the seat a tad bit uncomfortable but he was fine with it, I was so happy ehn. (Favour 1)

Now, number 2
I sat beside the driver and was having difficulty putting my laptop bag somewhere comfortable.
It seemed like the man from beside me could read my mind because he just took the bag from me and placed it on the floor between his feet (I know I didn't have to go into details but it was a big deal for me, I was really really grateful) (Favour 2)

That wasn't all oh, he assisted me in getting to my location (Lagos always seems new to me whenever I come), he exchanged bags with me and carried the heavy box, he even paid my fare.
Guys, the summary is that I met angels in that trip.
Even regular conductors were nice to me, God's favor was so evident by ehn.
Well, while in the danfo, I found out he was from my state of origin, small world ehn. Our conversation made me 're-realise' how much parents go a long way for their kids (as they ought to).
On getting to my location, I still got extra Favour, from Road sellers to bikers.

People do slow down in Lagos, people do act nice in Lagos.

➕ ☺ I took this picture that day.
The day Lagos favored me.


great & surreal!

Thank you for your entry @seunla!

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