My promo-mentors writing challenge... (A memorable day for me)

Talking about one of the memorable days in my life makes me feel nostalgic right now....
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This happened on my 7th birthday at home in Lagos state...
I've had other memorable times but I think this one tops the chat......

So here goes...

Since I was born I had never met my dad. He wasn't in the country with us so the distance really was much...

We communicated every now and then... But it didn't feel as good as seeing him in person. In fact, I almost felt like he was a stranger to me because immediately I was born, he left the country...

This on and off communication continued for about 7years and the family had become accustomed to it so it didn't matter anymore....

On my 7th birthday, my mum told me she had a surprise...

My dad was finally back home, he looked all shades of tall, dark and handsome, it felt unreal...a rush of emotions drowned everyone...
The joy was so intense it was clearly written on everyone....
I was transfixed seeing him in flesh, more like short for words....
Didn't know if I would cry, laugh, jump, scream....
I was so excited beyond words... I just kept clinging on to him as if my life depended on it...
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That was one of the memorable moments of my life. Seeing my dad for the first time in my entire life....

As he ate, I just kept my eyes glued to him hoping not to miss a thing....

Seriously, every time I remember that day, it brings tears to my eyes... Tears of joy I mean..... And trust me, I would forever cherish that day although shortly afterwards he passed on but the little time I spent with him keeps lingering in my heart even till date...

I can never forget this particular.... Not even in a hurry...


Beautiful memorable experience! Do you still see your father?

Well well...
Like I said in my story @futurethinker
Daddy died a few moments after that time...
Roughly about 1year later...

Jeez gurl, you gonna make me cry😢... It is the best memory ever. Daddy loves you too.

Yeah you can say that again...
Best of the best... 😘

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