My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge- Why I am who I am today and why I do what I do. (ULOG#3)

Its my first time to follow @promo-mentors when @maverickinvictus mentioned them in one of his blogs.
I must say, this theme is a very special one, because it made me stop for a while and think about why I am who I am today and why I do what I do.

First of all, I realized that the people who made me competitive and disciplined are my parents.


They're the reason why I cant bear to see my bed all cluttered up and the reason why I brush my teeth after every meal.
They're reason why I study hard enough so that I can lift us out of the poverty that we are in. They support me the best that they can and correct me whenever I do wrong because they love me and does not want me to be a bad person.

My mom was also the main reason why I got into drawing. When I was in grade 1, we got a project in which we had to draw Jose Rizal, our National Hero. She did it for me of course, because I was a perfectionist back then and knew well enough that my drawing did not even come close to looking like a person. So she did it and for me, it looked so realistic. My teacher even praised her after class and asked my mom if she could have her portrait made as well. My mom laughed it off and told her that it was just luck that she made it look right. Well that was the day when I started learning how to draw portraits.

The reason why I pursued science was because of my Biology teacher, Ms. Rizza Cansicio (de Jesus), mainly because of her quiz bonus question once, asking, which elements can be used to spell out her surname (Ca, N, Si, C, I, O). That was just so cool.
She was a graduate of the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, the university in which I am currently in. She was smart and funny. She made us do science experiments which made everything seem so interesting and exciting. It was in her classes where I got perfect scores for exams and punnet squares. It was in her classes in which I first dissected frogs using improvised dissecting tools. Because of her, I realized that biological organisms are complex creations which can be an avenue for endless learning and discovery. And now I am pursuing Biotechnology and I remember her everytime I see the Periodic Table.

I also want to give a portion of my blog to Kerby Rosanes ( because his works made me pay attention to details. That's why if you see my Ulog#1, , most of my drawings have a resemblance with his work... because he's awesome.

He's an illustrator based here in Manila, Philippines. He got famous because of his extremely detailed illustrations. Its as if he never ran out of ideas.
Here's an example of one of his recent works posted on his Facebook account:

Really amazing huh?

My love for singing can be attributed to Ms Christina Grimmie, a Youtube star and a contestant once in The Voice.

Its not that I sing like her, its her passion for singing and her pursuit for sharing her music which struck me and made me simply love my music. She made me accept my voice as it is, despite its raspiness, just like the way she made the world love her style. I miss hearing her sing. There are a lot of songs nowadays which she might have covered magnificently but she got shot last June 2016 by some horrible guy during one of her concerts in Orlando Florida. That's one less awesome person in the world, God bless her.

I continue blogging because of the tips from @maverickinvictus and @coolarth. Their comments and content made so much sense to me, giving me hope that Steemit is not dominantly filled with upvote-begging members. @maverickinvictus gave me helpful tips and led me to @promo-mentors and while @coolarth introduced me to @unlisteemersph and hopefully to a lot more groups out there.

Lastly, my faith to God as guided by the most sensible and dedicated person I've ever met, Brother Eliseo Soriano.

He opened the Bible for me and pointed out how I should always be thankful for everything that our Creator did. That we should try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world (I John 4:1). I learned that I should not believe accusations about a person until there is enough proof and until I've seen it with my own eyes. Through him, I learned not to judge anyone; to give help to anyone if I can provide; to pray when I wake and before I sleep, and before I take the first bite of any meal. Because of him, I know that I am loved even though I know that I don't deserve it because of my trespasses. He heightened my love for my parents and my siblings. He taught me that my youth should be used for helping other people. He taught us to just do good, and live for more than just ourselves but for everything which is beyond ourselves.

So that's why I am who I am today, and why I do what I do. I'm not the product of any single person, but is an amalgamation of a lot of people. To these people, thank you so much for making my existence much more meaningful...

I did not include the people who is the cause of my fears and my anxiety because I want this post to be something light and positive. I want to look back on the positive side of my personality and life, so thank you @promo-mentors for doing just that.

Please be open minded and know that we are different people with different experiences and lives. Be mature and open to other people's thoughts and stories.

Stay awesome!


Good to see you enter the contest and I appreciate that.

You have some very cool people that positively influenced your life and made your the person you are today. Majority of us indeed have our parents and teachers as our biggest influencers.

The artist you should get him to join Steemit!

Ah yeah I was also sad with Christie's passing :( such a talented woman.

Also I just want to mention that markdowb guidelines are awesome for for the sources of images not yours you might want to make it like [Source](image link) so that it is clean looking.

I highly suggest you read more on markdown guidelines.

Actually I was talking to @gmcdeguzman about that. I really want to make it like that but I didnt have time because I still have so much to do. But as always, Thanks! I will allot some time to learn Markdown Styling Guide.

thank you very much for your entry @joules7991! Some great inspirators you've had =)

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