Promo-Mentors Challenge: This is what I would do as president of Venezuela.



Hi Steemit @promo-mentors, makes us play with our imagination and asks us: What would you do if you woke up in your country's president's body?, post Here

My country is Venezuela, so it corresponds to me to dawn in the body of Nicolas Maduro, it would really be terrible but if I can improve my country, I would make the sacrifice. The first thing I would do is leave my arrogance aside and publicly accept that my government and I have made a mistake, that we have not done things right and that we should ask for help. I would call all sectors to a large work meeting where my allies are chosen for their training and not for their ideology. I would accept the opening of humanitarian aid to open the way to food and medicines, I would summon other governments to help us and be able to resolve the situation.

Free all political prisoners, who should never have been alone for thinking differently. I would make a clear call that people are free to believe in what they want as long as they do it responsibly, I would remind them that we must accept freedom and we must live it. It would respect private property and invite big companies to return to Venezuela. We need a lot of help and they generate employment and productivity in the country.

It would require the separation of powers and that each of them be independent. I would respect and return the power to the National Assembly that was democratically and massively elected. I would make plans for hospitals, sick people and I would plan a good housing system that does not benefit only a few and without blackmail.

I would purge all the security systems of the state in order to avoid corruption and reprehensible behaviors continue to affect the Venezuelans. It would free exchange control and encourage the production of food to supply people with food.

And the most important thing would be to propose free elections, with a totally impartial electoral council and with international observation. Remind them of the importance and weight of the value of the vote and that the Venezuelan is the one who has the right to choose their future and not the imposition of a group just to devote to fill their pockets.

It is important to remember that in Venezuela there is no separation of powers and that the government controls absolutely everything with the sole reason to stay forever in the country.

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