My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge: "I have never told him that I love him"


Photo by me, Taken w/ a Fuji Finepix Hs35

Hi Steemit,
I participate in this Promo-Mentors Challenge initiative, which I find wonderful to talk about the people who inspire us.

This is something personal for me, when I read about the rules, first I started thinking about talking about my mother or my grandmother, maybe my Aunt Carolina or my Aunt Mariela. I have been blessed to surround myself with wonderful and inspiring people. But I decided to talk about my Father and this is important for me.

The relationship with my father, since I remember, has not been the best. My dad was a bit unfair to me, I felt a bit displaced by him. I always remember to think about working to receive a word of approval that I did not always receive. But as I got older I have understood many things.
Now our relationship is better than before and we understand each other more. Now when I see all this I feel that my dad has inspired me a lot. It has inspired me to always show a better version of me, to be patient and considerate, to always see that small details are important. And I know he has been rude to me but maybe because he was never taught to express himself in any other way.

I just want to thank my father to teach me not to give up and keep going, to inspire me to be stubborn but in a good way, I became someone persistent.

Now we get along better and we have more complicity. I think we have been taught to make better people.
I have never told him that I love him, but I will tell him and I thank you for making me think about this.

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry for my English is not my first language, but I tried it;)


I want to believe aside from your dad there are still many people who have shaped you, now go and let's know about them.

Sounds as if you haven't let go of the pain though, you have to bro.

Completely, I have been influenced and inspired by many people. Soon I will tell you more;)

English/ Inglés

Hello @dannodaniel

Father's love is strange, I distinguish it with love / hate, sometimes, mine for example: it is understandable and then, I can not resist it, but in the end it is my dad and I want it xD

Spanish/ Español

Hola @dannodaniel

El amor del padre es extraño, lo distingo con amor / odio, a veces, el mío por ejemplo: es comprensible y luego, no puedo resistirlo, pero al final es mi papá y lo quiero xD

Solo hay que quererlos mucho ;)

Thank you very much for your entry, @dannodaniel =)

You're Welcome @evacab ;)

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