in #promomentors-challenge6 years ago (edited)

I was just so lucky to stumble into this contest last night, thanks @futurethinker for this opportunity to share my memorable experience with everyone, and I hope it would be an inspiration to many.

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Back then in school, I belonged to a fellowship called NIFES, Nigeria Fellowship Of Evangelical Students University of Uyo Chapter.

My very first day in school I attended the fellowship because there was a Nifesian in the room I was staying in for the mean time as I had not gotten my own accommodation by then.

The lady invited me, getting to the fellowship, I enjoyed being in God's presence that evening.
After fellowship,everyone welcomed me, a package was given to me as a first timer, i felt so at home, from that day i started coming to fellowship every time we had meetings, i was quite devoted.

My second year in the fellowship i was elected as the welfare director,I tried my best to serve in that capacity until the next election came.


After my first tenure serving as welfare director, another election was done in which i emerged as the vice president, that night i cried and cried,my thought was on how i was supposed to survive with my new position.

I had always seen the office of the vice president as being very tasking.

My fellowship then, a vice president was the second in command, alot of responsibilities resting on your shoulders. It was more like having official duties with your academic works.

We also had a secretariat where you where supposed to be seen atleast four days of the seven days in a week.

But then,I couldn't do anything to change it, I just had to summon courage to accept my responsibilities.

Along the line i also became grateful to God for an opportunity to experience leadership in that platform.

I was leading over 100 students, some were my seniors, some my mates and then my juniors.

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Because of my office i had different experiences:

  • working with people

  • leading for others to follow

  • managing situations


  1. I didn't use to be afraid again coming up to speak in public, because i was privileged to address a large crowd.

  2. Having so much responsibilities, i took a decision never to give excuses rather I take responsibility where things weren't going well.

  3. My spiritual and academic life improved significantly.

  4. Another thing that also changed about me was been able to cope with pressure, standing tall even when things weren't going as expected.

Here are some of the lessons that i learnt from my leadership experience that are still helpful till today.

  1. GOAL SETTING: A goal could be said to be a plan one tends to achieve or a clear expression of target to be met in relationship to the overall objectives of an organization.


Your goal must be SMART.

S- SPECIFIC (How, why,where, what)

M- MEASURABLE (Quantifiable)




A goal that is not possessing all those qualities is not a goal.

As a leader, i learnt how to set goals that were achievable.

  1. TEAM WORK: Working with other members of my exco, I knew that i couldn't have achieved our goals alone, I learnt to carry other people along, and also make them understand the vision we were working with.

Then i always had a board in my room where i pasted my activities for the week, and would always tick any one i had accomplished that way I was motivated to make sure I finish my tasks for the week.

  1. DELEGATION: This was one strategy that helped me in leadership. D.L Moody said "I would rather set ten men to work than do the work of ten men. This act helped me not to be the one doing everything. I delegated people to perform certain tasks for me where necessary.
  1. I also learnt how to listen to people, being in a position where everybody looked up to me,I always had people coming to me for advice, counselling, encouragement and a whole lot. So i learnt to listen and to always procure solutions.
  1. I learnt to manage information: Having a lot of people coming to confide in me demanded that i didn't have to share personal informations with other people.

  2. I learnt to make sacrifice for people, as a leader you can't get the best from people when you don't care about their wellbeing and also checking up on them. It really means a lot.

  1. I learnt to manage time, setting my priorities right in order for me to meet up with my school work.
  1. I also learnt to accept and appreciate people the way they are, the truth is that everyone wouldn't be like you, sometimes you may need to give people more time to get to the point where you want them to be.
  1. I also learnt to be more accommodating, back then my room was like everybody's room , I never had a time i was all alone, from time to time i would have people staying over, so I learnt to accommodate and live freely with everyone.

My leadership experience changed alot about my personality. I would say it's one of the best experiences i have had.

Thanks again @futurethinker and @promo-mentors for this opportunity to share my experience.


Thank you for your entry! Btw I think you are confusing this week contest with the previous one! This week is about: an experienced that changed you!

I think i understand it better now, please i would really appreciate it, if you could go through it again to see whether it's suiting now, i just edited now.

Thank you very much

Compared to our year one when we all started,we knew Little or nothing. But am glad we left school with our lives transformed and being Vice presidents for our different campus outreaches helped us.
The good part is that you have started your own family and you are now a mother...hehehe.
Nice one dear!

Yea, it was indeed a great opportunity!

wonderful post you've got here, I didn't know you were a Nifesian, I wasn't but we had Nifesian Mama's in our room back I'm school.

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