"Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge" - Mentors That Mould Me.


I've been blessed to have numerous people come my way in life leaving a very great impact upon me, I still want to believe I'll meet more on the way and there influence will end up shaping how I see life and react to its challenges.

First on the dial is not a human being, nor a spirit, it's a thing, a living thing, pages of it, it's the Bible, God, I've not seen before neither Jesus but this one I can see and touch and every of His words are true, trust me any challenges that comes my way and it's getting out of hand is Walt's solved by this great book. He was my first mentor in life, even my own mother used it to mentor me by saying the Bible says............


Second is a man, I've been following for some years nows, his guts and aspirations has shocked me on so many occasions and he always live up to the task, when i first read his first book I was blown away at his mindset, and on facebook he's gradually becoming the king of writers and bloggers, it's no other person but Emeka Nobis, he's a pen and ink writer , his writing skills and his ability to relate real life occurrence to teach lessons resonates in all his works, you can feel all what he's saying and can relate with it. He has spoken on so many platforms including Nigeria Ted Ex. Emeka Nobis facebook commands a high respect among the intellectual, he is the man of the hour for youths.


At the time when minnows on Steemit cry for help, days and days with no good payout and vote value, there came a man, his name @surpassinggoogle, I don't think I need to reiterate this again but I'll tell you the area he mentored me, where I first joined Steemit I came with an impression to make money for my pocket and pocket alone, till I met this man, he infuse the idea of community leadership into me, he also made me see others differently.
So many of his words are been quoted all over the Steemiverse, it's to his name tags like #untalented #ulog #ulogger #steemgigs #teardrops and many more, no one on Steemit has ever come close to achieving this feat, am more challenges to do more for this community by mere listening to him.



You can also join in this contest by @promo-mentors by checking on this tag #promomentors-challenge to see numerous works of this community.

  • Make a post titled "My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge" (you can add a title to this) and use the tag #promomentors-challenge

  • Post the link of your entry below (Don't forget this!)

  • Prize: 25% of the total post rewards equally divided

  • Deadline: Thursday, 24th of May Midnight GMT + 0

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