#promowolverhampton: I am pleased to announce that the first batch of 5,000 #promowolverhampton Flyers have arrive from the printers.

in #promo-uk7 years ago

I am pleased to announce that the first batch of 5,000 #promowolverhampton flyers have arrived from the printers.

These 5,000 flyers will accompany the 5,000 #promobirmingham flyers which will be handed over to Matt @Starkerz together with the first batch of 5,000 #promobristol flyers, that should be back from the printers on Tuesday, when we meet up with Zoltan @Coinkingz next Friday.

I am excited to have these guys on board and part of the #promo-uk Team and look forward to meeting both of them next week.


As the #promo-uk Team continues to grow, I am looking for more to join us and once again reach out to anyone in the U.K. looking to help Market and Promote STEEMIT in the U.K.

If it is something that you would interest in please give me call or send a text to +44 7546 957973 and I look forward to having a chat with you.


Handing out the promotional flyers in and around Cities in the U.K is just a small piece of the overall #promo-uk Marketing & Promotional Initiative, yet plays a fundamental role in feeding back to us what the market is saying.

By handing out the flyers and talking to people actually plays a dual role.

The first role is obvious, and that is it brings awareness of STEEMIT to the market.

The second role I think is actually MORE important, as it is by talking to the market we are actually educating ourselves.

When I say say educating ourselves, I simply mean we have a full understanding of the market we are actually selling into.


Most of you will probably be aware now I have been on the streets handing out flyers for over three months and these three months have provided me with very powerful data.

When I hand out the flyers I talk to people and have spent hundreds of hours now talking to well over +700 students in and around Manchester and Sheffield Universities.

While talking to these +700 students, NOT ONE had ever heard of STEEMIT..!!


It is this therefore that I have set as one of my personal goals and that is I will not stop handing out the flyers until I meet at least 1:20 that have either heard of STEEMIT or are a User of the platform.

In other words, put me in a area of 100 people and if only 5 have heard of STEEMIT, I will be back the next day..!!


So far to date we have ordered 35,000 flyers of the design seen above and we are now over a third of the way to 100,000 Flyer Target I set a while ago.

Since drafting the flyer, there has been a number of critical comments of the design and every time this is raised I always say that I am more than happy for someone to do a redesign it.

Those ones that have been critical of the design and suggest a redesign suddenly evaporate into the background when I suggest that I am happy for them to put forward a new proposal.

If I had waited every time someone had suggested that the flyers we are using should be changed, I can guarantee you that I would be still sat here only having handed out 5,000..!!

People who know me, and I mean really know me, will tell you that I will not sit around while people: discuss, debate, chop, change, vote, ponder, argue, and decide, because as they are doing this I will be out there sorting the problem out.

Recently we have been fortunate enough to have been joined by Adam @Adamm who has joined the #promo-uk Team bringing with him many years experience in Digital Marketing and Advertising and I look forward to the stuff that Adam is taking on.

One of the initiatives he is proposing is tapping into his network of designers to redesign the flyer and I am so excited to see what they come up with.

It would be great if you could support Adam @Adamm on this when he puts forward his proposal, as with all the funding of #promo-uk it is coming out of our very own pockets. 

Hopefully we will be able to use the new design in the next batch of 5,000 flyers with a design that will take us right the way through from 35,000 to 100,000.


Taking the decision to set up #promo-uk was so easy to make, simply because I believe in STEEMIT and the phenomenal potential that it has when you combine it with the potential of the STEEM ECOSYSTEM.

These are exciting times we are living in right now and I for one could honestly say that we have not seen times like this since the birth of the internet itself.

On other words, you would have to go back at least +35 years to a time when being an Entrepreneur was this good..!!

Hope you are all having an amazing weekend and charging up those batteries ready for another week.

Thanks again for reading.



Shared on twitter. Stephen

I wonder how the new flyers would look

I am excited to see what Adam @Adamm comesup with. It will be great to finally get some professional input in the design. I am expecting your #promobristol flyers back from the printers on Tuesday. See you next Friday. Stephen

Cool. See you

Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

Thank you for doing all you are doing!

Such consistency and hard work will pay off, and all of us here will be benefited.
So... only words of gratitude for your commitment :D

Let´s go! Bring them on :D

Thank you. I appreciate that. Have a great Saturday. Stephen

You are doing a great job @stephenkendal .Steemit is the Future Now!!!!

Thank you. It just makes it x1,000,000 times easier when I get the support from the Community. Stephen

We are 100% behind you ,we are taking your campaign as our blue print here in Zimbabwe.I believe it will change many lives as we are currently facing fiat shortages in our ailing economy .Cryptocurrency is now our only hope so we are throwing everything we have to make steemit a success.

this is great news for steemit and steemians, im looking forward for even better future for steem, keep it up.

Thank you. I appreciate that. Have a great Saturday. Stephen

Excellent job, wonderful initiative..... truly a Steemit Ambassador

Thank you. I appreciate your support. Stephen

Wow it's nice to see people putting this much into steem :D

Congratulations for your great involvement in the promotion of Steemit !!
I hope that in France such initiatives will soon be implemented !!
Bravo 😉👌

The #promo-uk 6 Part Crowdsourced Marketing Initiative was proposed in such a way that it can be rolled out in any Country..!! Anyone in France can do it..!! Stephen

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