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RE: My Steemit Promotional Ideas : SteemTowns, Cooking with Steem, Recruitment Reward Scheme : an update

in #promo-uk7 years ago

I think NSFW is appropriate. If you don’t know what the means you are very behind on the times and there are a lot of other acronyms among other things on the internet people who don’t know what the means is going to struggle with.

As far as adding an age restriction, or age verification well those are easy to cheat. You only add that in if a company is trying to cover themselves legally and even then they still get sued anyways. Besides with how few rules there are here I don’t think the community would like to see anyone being told they can’t be here. That really up to a parent to decide what is appointee for their child if they even know.

There is that filter under settings for always warn for NSFW content. It even states Not Safe for work (NSFW) which if someone is looking for some kind of parental controls they least under settings they at least now know what it means and can google it further if they still don’t understand.


In the tech world NSFW for sure will be well known. Outside the tech world, and regular social media users, not so well known. And amongst older people I suspect very little awareness of the acronym.

I wonder whether schools will happily allow the use of steemit?

Unless you live in a bubble or under a rock NSFW is a very old term. Perhaps it’s a culture thing not knowing? Because it’s an internet thing not a tech thing. Reddit and a lot of other sites use NSFW. Even old people here on Facebook know what it is.

As far as schools depends on the age group and how well an administrator knows of the site. Since anything can be posted here I would suspect schools would ban the site. There are some really bad things on the site that people been fighting for a while with downvotes.

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