in #promo-steemit7 years ago (edited)

I write this purpose in steemit to raise awareness of all layers of society, Youth / Youth especially in aceh generally for all steemit users in order to prevent the spread of drug abuse and foster mutual commitment to fight NARKOBA.Maka please give to father to provide upvote as much and work same good,


NARCOTE is an abbreviation of narcotics and drugs / hazardous materials. In addition to "NARCOBA", another term introduced especially by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is a drug that stands for 'Narcotics, Psychotropic and Addictive Substances'.
All of these terms, either "DRUGS" or NAPZA, refer to a group of substances that generally have an addiction risk to its users. According to experts NARCOBA health is actually a psychotropic commonly used to sedate patients when they want to dioparasi or drugs for certain diseases. But now the perception was abused because of the use that has been outside the dose limits. Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given that almost all of the world's population can easily get DRUGS from irresponsible people. For example, from NARCOBA bandits who are happy to find prey in school areas, discotheques, brothels, and places of genk clubs. Of course this can make the parents, mass organizations, the government worried about the spread of drugs so rampant. DRUG DRUG efforts have been often done but still a little possibility to avoid drugs from teenagers and adults, even the children of elementary age are many who fall into drugs DRUGS.
Like disease, the spread of Drugs in Indonesia has entered a chronic stage. Almost every province has the potential to spread this forbidden goods. In fact, not only in immoral houses (nightclubs), prisons as a means of awareness of the perpetrators of criminals also did not escape the easy target of the spread of illicit goods. Based on the fact sheet from the Narcotics Board

National (BNN), registered users of drugs in Jakarta amounted to 1.5 million people with transaction value per day Rp7 billion. In Indonesia, drug transactions per day reached Rp19 billion.


The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) noted that about 1.1 million students and students in Indonesia have been trapped as users of DRUGS, the figure is part of the 3.2 million users of DRUGS across Indonesia. The number of users of DRUGS as much as 3.2 million people, is the only recorded while the actual number must be greater. While the business is quite tempting NARCOBA because in a year the value of transactions that occurred in Indonesia reached Rp30 trillion.
After the tsunami of 26 December 2004, Banda Aceh became an open area and became like an international city, it is not possible this situation also opens up the path of drug spread. Increased mobilization of the population and the entry of migrants by land or air increase the intensity of the spread of DRUGS, can not be separated also among students and students. The private sector dominates the group of drug users and dealers with the number of cases as many as 242 out of 356 total cases 2007. But what worries us now is the circulation of DRUGS in Aceh has entered up to the remote villages, from 356 cases so the suspects recorded as many as 490 people. While the psychotropic of 59 cases of 90 suspects, among them 19 students, 24 cases, civil servants 16 cases, private / entrepreneur 242 cases.
In the 21st century, NARKOBA has become one of the invaders and entered into the interior and the wearer is a poor and economically disadvantaged citizen. Because of the poor, for the school they can not afford, but they can afford to buy funds, it can not be denied that Aceh is also inseparable from the threat of DRUG circulation due to planting, abuse and
illicit drug trafficking. Aceh is a marijuana producing region, but its development has now entered a more modern type of narcotics such as shabu-shabu and putau. Predicate fields of marijuana is certainly very disturbing to all parties. So to respond it is necessary to care all elements of society.
DRUGS are dangerous goods because they can cause physical, mental, or intellectual weakness (muftir). The Dangers of Drugs confirmed by the main man of the Prophet in a hadith narrated by Umm Salamah that he forbids any substance (ingredients) intoxicating and debilitating. This affirmation of the effects of Drugs is also examined in the Qur'an, Allah Almighty says: 'O ye who believe, verily (drinking) khamar, gambling (sacrificing for) idols, drawing fate with arrows, are vile acts including deeds of Satan . So keep those deeds so that you may have good luck (Surat al-Maidah: 90).
While in medical perspective, Dadang Hawari (1996) mentions abuse of drugs can cause organic mental disorders because the illicit goods have a direct effect on the central nervous system (brain). Ironically, in addition to impact on the wearer's self, abuse of drugs also resulted in the social as a disturbing effect of antisocial behavioral disorder. Social problems arising from this drug include: fights / fuss with the family (83.3%), involvement of fighting / violence (65.3%), school performance dropped (96%) and traffic accidents (58.7% ).
Various efforts and anticipatory steps have been taken by various parties, both government, non-governmental organizations and individually to prevent and overcome the problematic of drug abuse. In fact, First Lady, Ani Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also launched the Family Watch or Waskat program (supervision attached) to supervise the movements of the younger generation so as not to fall into the trap of death named DRUGS.
On the other hand, many parties are proposing that the punishment for the perpetrators of this drug distribution be given by the death penalty. This effort is taken in order to provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators and can discourage the intentions for other criminal actors. Unfortunately, the efforts and steps of the various parties have not been able to stop the spread of illicit goods. Therefore, Islam as a plenary religion derived from divine revelation has provided the best way to resolve any problematics including the eradication of drugs.

A wise and wise attitude after an increase in the consumption of DRUGS in all walks of life, is to increase joint vigilance. by increasing our awareness and the whole society against the dangers of DRUGS. Health education that focuses on the introduction of DRUGS and its contagion by holding seminars, trainings and socialization to all levels of society, especially teenagers who are the most vulnerable groups to the use of drugs as a medium to seek temporary pleasure.

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