Paris Steemit Takeover, back on this amazing 1st edition!!! Part 1: The Workshop

in #promo-steemit6 years ago (edited)

My dear Steem friends,

I know you're all looking forward to the meeting report of this 1st edition of the PARIS STEEMIT TAKEOVER !!!

After a short night and 118 cafes, here I am back to report you the event as if you were there!

@frenchlondoner and I have been preparing this event for several weeks to try to share as much information and tools as possible to help participants better understand Steemit and boost their account.

This event took place in two parts: The workshop and the evening Networking. I will present you in this post the workshop part and will come in a second post the part Networking! = D

  • The Workshop

We had reserved a workspace within the Nuage café, a collaborative café located in the 5th district of Paris.
The concept is truly incredible: a work and social space where customers pay for time and not for consumption! Open since November 23, 2015, he is already talking a lot about him and it is in this context that we welcomed our 3 super Steemians who came to attend our workshop. First of all, I want to introduce them to you:


our adorable chef, post articles and videos super nice or she tells you about her tips and secret ingredients as in this video dtube that I invite you to watch:

She was the first to join our workshop and she came to deepen her knowledge of steemit, get tips to boost her account and especially meet real steemians!


our dear hyperconnected cryptologist and bitten of blockchain and travels came to our workshop to eat Easter chocolates ^^, but not only! He was curious to meet us and know what we could bring him as new elements about Steemit blogging. He also shared with us his knowledge of the world of crypto and blockchain. If you want to see what he does, a little closer, here is the link of his last post on the platform;): who-slept-in-the-jungle


our new musician, composer and Dtuber on the platform came to know more about steemit, Dtube and especially how to attract more followers on Dtube. We gave him some tips and rules to apply to be accepted and followed by the steemit community. Hoping that he is not discouraged and that it was useful to him, I invite you to watch his last Dtube video and support him! Thanks for him :).

@frenchlondoner and I had two hours to try to convey to our guests a maximum of information. We started with a presentation of each of us then @frenchlondoner and I took over for the workshop. Our two areas of work were:

- @frenchlondoner's tips for producing quality content on Steemit.

- @flamingirl's tips to boost your presentation on Steemit.

We hope to have met the expectations of @acroquer, @iptrucs and @tobiasdray on this workshop. I will let them share with you if they wish, their impressions by commenting on this post :). A big thank you to them for their presence and their active participation! It was for us a beautiful moment of meeting and exchange around the platform and that's exactly what we expected from this workshop! Thank you very much! It is with great pleasure that we will welcome you at our next events steemit!

A big thank you also to my shock collab @frenchlondoner for his motivation and his energy! Without it nothing would have been possible ...

And of course all the team of the Nuage café de Paris, for their great welcome and availability.

In my next post I will talk about Networking Party of Madness where we were a dozen steemians from all over the world to meet!
So stay tuned to learn all about this unique event in France!
Feel free to UPVOTE, COMMENT and RESTEEM this post to help us to promote Steemit until the moon and much more! =D

The PARIS STEEMIT TAKEOVER team thanks you for your support and especially do not forget our motto:


@flamingirl from Paris, with love...


Great! Nice post and thanks for share this information.
Nice workshop and your work is also so good.
I want to know about Networking so please tell me about Networking more in your next post.
Keep it up

Very good post.
And the three ladies are also nice

I love love! Must be nice to have such a great supportive team..slowly building my way up. Can't wait for $80dollar posts!

You go girl!

@frenchlondoner is really putting effort to promote steemit. Nice one.

Hola @flamingirl, gracias por compartir la informacion del taller en Paris, que sigan los exitos, cariños y besos en la distancia.

Thanks for sharing

Very beautiful post

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