The day you stop doing what takes you to the top, that is the day you start coming down. My apology to old steemit friends

in #promo-steemit6 years ago


The day you stop doing what takes you to the top, that is the day you start coming down.

Nothing move until a force is applied, when such force is applied and things moves, you still need to keep applying the force to keep it moving, immediately you stop applying force, movement stopped.

Before we get to the top, we sacrifice everything that needed to be sacrificed, you need the same level of sacrifice to keep yourself at the very top.

Do you know the reason why you face all the challenges you faced before you get to the top? Well, it is to prepare you for what to come. You don't start preparing while you are at the top, you start the preparation from the base.

You prepare from the base to expand your capacity for what is to come, so skipping the preparatory process at the base is like taking poison that kills slowly.

When your capacity is stretched before you get to the top, it will help you to function appropriately. Watch those that fail when they get to the top and see if they invested in the foundation.

The solid the foundation, the stronger the structure on it.

You know I love you brother @olawalium

Enough of purchasing..

Where I'm actually focussing is steemit, why you are growing up, don't forget those things you have been doing, don't forget those you met on the way, don't forget those shoulders you lean on, those forget those that release their back to you for you to become what you are.

Forgetting about them is the beginning of your downfall. I'm not saying you should turn them into a god by worshiping them, but by keeping contact with them.

Don't look for them only when you need them, always maintain the relationship with them.

I need to work on this myself and that is why I added apology to old steemit friends to the title of this write up.

It's been a while I make my presence felt by the man who introduced me to steemit on his page, though we always connect, but not on his page like it used to be. I think their is need for more to work on that, I'm making that new decision, @olawalium if you are seeing more of me, it's because of my new decision. I need to make up the lost ground.
I can't explain why, it just happen.

Again, I will look for some of my old friends as well, both on my lost account and this very account.

I'm sorry for keeping distance, I hope I can make it up now that I realise my inadequacies...

Is their anything you need to do to make up too, why not take the step before it is worse than repairable..

I'm @emmakkayluv and I love you all.


I love you too my friend. And this is a very important lesson to be learned in life you need a stronger foundation to be able to make the leap. Otherwise, you'll be terrified of making the leap towards your goal.

you need a stronger foundation to be able to make the leap. Otherwise, you'll be terrified of making the leap towards your goal

This is great wisdom in full expression, I love your point of view.

It is an honor having you here @amarbir

The pleasure is all mine.

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