Life is in phases....

in #promo-steemit6 years ago


Non of us are yet in the future but we all believe in the existence of a place call future, where tears would be no more, where pains would turn to gain and sorrow to joy.

Those that are sick in their body now believe in a future where they would be free from their sicknesses. Those in prison are dreaming about a day when they would be having their freedom and that day is their desired future.

Even children are dreaming of when they will grow, have their families and become doctor, lawyer or engineer like most African children used to dream. It's a pity most of us do not ended up a doctor... Smile.

All the examples are pointer to the fact that life is indeed in phases and this should encourage you to expect a better tomorrow. I don't know what you are passing through now, I don't know the stage you are in your life presently, but their is always a better day ahead.

Remember, at the end of every tunnel is a light

Don't allow your present situation to rub you of your future, you might not have anybody to run to that can help you out of your situation, but you always have yourself.

It is not going to be possible for everybody to believe in you from the beginning, you have to make us believe by proofing to us what you are capable of doing. You don't have anyone is not enough excuse not to make impact in life.

At least, you have the first and the best person you need, and that's you.


This phase you are now is just preparing you for the next phase to come, don't see it as your final destination, even if it is better than where you were yesterday, still put your trust in a better tomorrow.

The day you stop dreaming the day you start dying.

While expecting a better tomorrow, don't just fold your arms doing nothing, ensure you are taking time to shape and reshape yourself for the days ahead.

Don't be like that fool who was expecting a better tomorrow but was doing nothing to improve on who he is presently, then the tomorrow came to him unaware and missed it.

Develop yourself to the full capacity, the more inform you are, the better.

Thank you for reading through.

I am @emmakkayluv and I love you all.

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